Shopping with Alfred

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M.A.R.T. Grocery

Alfred was biding his time or so it seems, he was debating on things that regard the growing infant and the mutt. Sure he saw many stranger things, believing that nothing can surprise the aged man until last night. He held what seems to be a newborn infant in his arms, seen the sudden shift and unknown objects that protected him while he carries the two. After what happened a few hours ago, he was shocked at the growing child no less than two years old. Indeed he has prepared himself on such things, but who could tell that he's scrapping the tip of the iceberg that troubled him? The middle-aged man was now standing at the baby aisle, where all clothing goods are lined for every age and size. He is a butler to his stubborn housemaster with four sons, apprentice here or there, and visitation for the other persona. The billionaire won't let the others came to his house for fragile items that are scattered and priceless. But it was refreshing to see his figure-son panic at something his not familiar with and so was he. Who left the area until he gathers what truly necessary for the house, yet fate let him met the daughter of commissioner:

Alfred- Good day Miss Barbara,(slightly bow with a friendly smile)What brings you here? (seeing a woman in teens with her ginger hair and light hazel eyes, she was wearing a hoodie that covers her white tank and skinny grey jeans. She finished her look with ballerina sandals, a shoulder bag, and few small accessories)

Barbara- Good day to you too Alfred(she greeted back) A little errand couldn't hurt anyone right? (playfully joke around the man who chuckles at her humor)So, you in the baby aisle? (noticing the man in such area)

Alfred- Master Bruce was seeing his new project and asked about such items. (pointing behind him which accepted the ginger)Apparently, it was still incomplete since many(glancing side by side, aware at the eavesdrop all-around the two)disagree on such an event.

Barbara- (noticed the butler's action as she too became alerted)That's a shame, (acting naturally)charity work that couldn't be complete because of the board representatives is horrible.

Alfred- Indeed,(nodding to the woman)he was working on many things too. (he checks on his pocket watch and gives a small shock)Good heavens! I've been here longer than the estimated time. (returning the item and look to Barbara apologetic)You'll have to excuse me, its time for me to escort Master Bruce and the rest.

Barbara- Oh,(surprise for a bit but brush it off)no worries. Tell Dick that I'll drop him a visit to his apartment, or if he's still in the manor. (which earn a chuckled from Alfred for humor)

Alfred- Of course, Miss Barbara(as he goes straight to the checkout line to pay, Barbara just got her own call from her frantic father. Who's seems to be in trouble from the sound from background)

Parking Lot

Alfred has opened the back-hatch to put his grocery before closing, he was about to open the driver seat when a man in his thirties called out to him. He has raven hair with tan skin, bright-blue eyes behind his transparent lenses that companies a friendly smile. He was wearing a blue polo shirt with a brown jacket draped over, blue jeans, and work shoes to finish his casual look. The butler welcomes the man with poise and kindness, he knew him in both work and civil as he was welcome to the manor. Once or twice if not work-related.

Alfred- Mr. Clark(surprised with small emotion) what a coincidence to see you.

Clark- I'm surprised as-well,(with a much broad smile, his eyes then scan the car or around the butler) is Mr. Bruce with you?

Alfred- (with a sad tone before he shook his head)I'm afraid Master Bruce has more important matters to handle, the stubborn man knows that he needs more rest than I am. (as both chuckled at the humor)

Clark- I see,(a bit sad but left it) you wouldn't mind me dropping for some paperwork? (raising his notepad and pen on his left hand while the other present his chest) It's kinda important for the Daily Planet. (sheepish smile before put his occupied hand down while others scratch his nape, nervously)

Alfred- (he gave a small sly smile)Of course,(giving a light bow)Would I presume that you'll be staying for dinner? (which double-take the reporter) I'm sure the others won't mind.

Clark- Only if I overstay because of the work(before saying his good-bye, walking to where the parked car with his partner as he saw the butler leave the area)

He was driving his way back to the manor when he tried to call his housemaster, a ringing of two before it was answered by the owner's number:

Bruce- Alfred. (he greeted, trying as much to blocked the shouting from the background) You've called.

Alfred- My apologies, Master Bruce. (eyes still on the road, he already guess what was happening on the background and dismiss it) I just have to ask, are you still going at the incoming meeting, sir? (slowing down since he saw a red light in front before civilians walk to pass)

Bruce- Unfortunately, I already called to reschedule the meeting. (something open with a buzzing sound, clattering before a thump)I can't just leave Benjamin and Zedra with the boys after that fiasco.

Alfred- Understandable. (turning right at the stop-light that goes to the tailor and pet store)Also, Mr. Kent will come at 4:30 in the afternoon. He would like to discuss something with you,(parking the car almost near the entrance) personally and privately.

Bruce- I see,(with seriousness, there was silence before a sigh can be heard)let's just hope it wasn't from last night. Seeing that he was patrolling at that time too. (heavy stomps can be heard before a curse in Australian-accent )Is there anything that I need to know, Alfred?

Alfred- Miss Barbara may drop-in to see Master Dick, soon I presume. (grabbing his phone, placing it to his ear for privacy)She may ask anything about the 'event' I mention, my apologies. (he stood still after leaving and locking the door)

Bruce- Apologies accepted. (a hint of a smile) For now, finish the remaining shopping and be sure to collect my suit.

Alfred- Of course(before hearing the line cut off, putting his cellular in the right pocket before resuming to the store)

Tailor Shop

He opened the door with a chimed bell that rings at his arrival, he saw a man in his 40's with a mustache. He was dressed in the same outfit as the butler, except for extra clothing and top hat.

Alfred- Giovanni,(grabbing the man's attention which returned in familiar gesture)I didn't expect to see you here(shaking his hand on greeting)

Giovanni- Same with you,(first to remove his hand followed by the other) I resume you are here for the suit? (raising a challenging brow that accompanied his smirk)

Alfred- Never more or less(giving an approval nod) the same as always. Your performance seems to have a stretch.

Giovanni- What can I say? (both hands are up in surrendering) My tricks are already been passed down to my daughter. She a wonderful magician that I'm proud of, which made me worry. (as both chuckles before a ring can be heard from the magician, he picked his phone from the vest) I wish to stay a little longer,(showing the screen to the butler with an apologetic look) but I'm needed somewhere else.

Alfred- Not at all,(shaking his head) how about a tea on the manor next week?

Giovanni- Delightful(shaking the others hand again) it's good to see you

Alfred- To you as well(letting go of the other hand before Giovanni pass him to exit, as the rest of his hours of shopping come to an end. As he drives back to the manor for lunch to be ready and serve)

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