News and Gifts

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Wayne Manor

As the grandfather clock move to reveal a secret passage, Alfred exit with the bundle on his hands. He closes the entrance before redirecting to the kitchen, knowing two tiny mouths will be crying for food. Putting down the two carefully on a makeshift crib by putting two individual couch front by front, he scans the refrigerator to see if there's milk to heat and feed. Not to mention, what container to substitute for the lack of baby bottles. He was about to call the young master for news and shopping when an alarm from his pocket noted an incoming guest. The butler has to put his action on hold to greet the stranger, he opened the door and was greeted by a blond man with a business-casual look and trench coat:

Alfred- Mister Constantine(he greet first before raising his brow in question)How may I help you?

Constantine- Just John, mate(raising his hand with a paper bag) I have a feeling that you'll, (stressing the man in presence) be needing this. (the other accept and let him in, not wanting to be a bad host)

Alfred- Master Bruce will be with you in a moment(leaving the man to himself in the office room. From his wrist, he inform the Batman about the guest)Now, what did he brought for us? (walking to the kitchen, inspecting the bag he receives. Lifting four small baby bottles and pup bottles, there's also a package of diapers and boy clothes. It was questioning but gratefully use the items, he can ask those later as he heard the discomfort whine from the two.) Oh dear,(working on the child and pup's milk)

Office Room

John Constantine roam around the room as he waits for the housemaster to show, in all honesty as he represents in sorcery. He felt strange yet unknown power in the air, as he tries to follow the unknown energy. A thought not so normal that lead him to buy few baby goods and pet bottles, he wasn't insane nor a fortune teller. Yet he knew on what he needed before visiting the manor, as silly as it sounds. As on cue, the door opens to reveal Bruce Wayne himself. Aware yet intrigued at the exorcist visitation:

Bruce- John, I didn't expect you to visit. (shaking his hand before he motions him to the seat)What brings you here? (sitting opposite to his guest)

John- Would you believe me that a little bird just mentions you have a baby? (both men laugh but the blond receive a shaking head) The magic in the air lead me here,(serious and still as the raven) your butler(tilting his head to the door)just receive the gift. I strangely brought, mind you.

Bruce- Oh,(suspicious yet aware) It's not your friendly ghost, isn't it? (taunting the hidden entity or just his guest)

John- He can hide to anyone but me (playfully indulging the raven but serous was fast) but no, he's with Orchid. Hasn't left the house since then.

Bruce- Have you seen the child yet? (curiously asked, having the blond man in his house was a supernatural case or problems It won't hurt the child and pup he named Benjamin and Zedra to be checked.)

John- Not yet, if you wouldn't mind. (Letting Bruce lead him to the kitchen, where the butler was working on feeding two hungry mouths)

Kitchen - Living Room

The sound of sips can be heard as two adults enter the area. They encounter a young teenager with raven hair named Dick, whose heading the same area as they are. Alfred expertly positions the young boy for everyone to see. He had intoxicating green eyes that compliment his chestnut hair, the blue-dog-like creature has dangerous red eyes:

Bruce- John, Dick, meet Benjamin and Zedra(introduce by the housemaster) The ones that brought by a time-traveler and some cosmic humanoid. (They were skeptical at the answer. However, a comment came from the butler that made all three alerted. Shocked to see the infant's hair shift from brown, turning to pitch black. His eyes change a bit, mixing a hint of blue to tone down his original color)

John- He's trying to fit in, it seems. (first to respond)What's with the blanket? (trying to inspect the material that's seemed untouchable) it's like air, its there and won't part from them

Dick- Like a nanny or bodyguard? (worry and aware of the unknown dangers)

John- One way to find out,(trying to grab the child suddenly but just phase through, he back up in surprise and remain his posture. Invoking an offensive spell to fire at both holder and infants, power is not stronger than a spark. But before it could reach the target, the cosmic cloth was enlarged to swallow the attack.) Interesting. (and like a mirror) Oh, oh. (It returned the attack with more power than he input, it flew him off the area and into the living room. Flat on the floor, groaning in pain and with a bit of cough)Does that answer your question, Dick? Bloody hell, it just returns ten-fold of my initial power.

Bruce- You okay? (inspecting his features for any abnormalities but seen none and receive a nod)Alfred?

Alfred- Quite alright sir,(relax and still tending to the babies) It would seem that I too am protected by this cosmic bundle.

Dick- Where did he get the cloth? (watching from afar, helping the exorcist stand and guide to his seat together with Bruce) And why did they come all this way just have us these two?

John- It was a farewell gift if my guess is correct. (laying down at the long couch as he felt nauseous) The same can be said on those accessories. (seeing the watch and an armband wrapping his skin)As for reason, I'm clueless as you are.

Bruce- Your guess is correct,(all heads turn to where he stands) The cloth was a present from the cosmic being named Selice, same with the watch and armband is from the time-traveler called Paradox.

John- As for their reason? (serious yet curious face)

Bruce- Something that might happen in the near future, that we're unknown of. (hating the lack of information) They only told me that those two (motioning his head on Alfred's arms) are our greatest asset.

Dick- Maybe the baby knows? (looking to the babe whose eyes wide open, cooing at his surroundings) Or not?

Bruce- Only time can tell, (scrunching his brows at the lack of information) but we'll do our best on getting him ready. Also,(His gaze to John)he might harbor mystic magic. I want you and your associates to guide him, as much as you could.

John- I'll do what's best for him to learn. (serous on his words and warning) But I make no promises.

Dick- What about the family secrets? (worry, his persona as the eldest brother is showing protection and vigilant)Our night patrols, your weekly meetings? (then realization on a bigger problem)What about Walker? (Angry glares at the mention of the surname)

Bruce- He'll know the family secret soon, the patrols can be done by others. (making his way to the butler, carrying the two in his arms) My weekly meetings can still be done with no problem, but as of her? (Benjamin coos with his eyes scanning every detail on the billionaire's face) No mercy or government officials can save her for laying a finger on him. (a burst of laughter from the boy and small whine from the pup was heard, gently rocking the two side by side.)

John- Well then,(rising up to stand from the seat with a bit of difficulty) better get everything ready for that lesson. I have a lot that owes me a favor, or just two.

Dick- I'll inform the others about the situation. (seeing the worried face of his adoptive father) the 'three' others, stand corrected.

Alfred- May I suggest dealing that tomorrow? (gathering three attention on the room) It is late and there are schedules that needed to be fixed for one.

John- Best be on my way then,(walking himself to the exit)cheerio. (Opening the door to see a fireplace and two seated coaches before it closes with a silent thud)

Dick- I should be going too(making his way out of the manner) Damian might skewer me but I'll live, goodnight. (open to leave then closed after he left)

Bruce- I guess your sleeping with me(responded by yawns from the two that he chuckles, unaware to the watchful toxic eyes from the shadow as they end the night.

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