For Safety and Dinner

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The butler was being helped by four boys who just finished the tour and looking for an alienate-dog, it was their first to experience an unsettled problem. However, for Ben, this was normal whenever they were on a mission that requires more stealth skills. After Alfred called out for the group in which he stayed last, silently looks at the window that was probably empty. Zedra, who came out of his hiding place, was quickly on the boy's side. A small tap to his side was enough to convey the order, 'hide until everything is settled'. The mutt did his bidding before he, too, move where the others are. He asked the manor keeper who nods in response. Ben is now helping set the table, he was able to place every known utensil in their place. After setting the area, two men walk in and saw who they wanted to approach. Yet the wielder of the Omnitrix saw their guest's eyes is focus on:

Bruce- (seeing his friend's eyes are before looking at the wielder of Omnitrix) 'He must be also interested in those accessories' Ben, (snapping Clark out of his daze from the devices)I'd like you to meet Mr. Clark Kent from the Daily Planet Inc. (pointing to the man who is a bit ashamed of his action)He was one of the few who is able to feature its city hero, Superman. (the reporter gave an embarrassed chuckle while the youngest were intrigued at the name of the said hero) 'Oh, he seemed to be pique at the hero name' Clark, (giving a friendly smile but a stern look) 'Please don't do anything suspicious, Clark' this is Benjamin. (pointing to the boy with formality)He's our newest member of our family and will adapt my last name as his own. (approving the reporter's approach)

Clark- 'He's just like Damian and Dick at the same time.' (giving his hand to shake while the other accepted)A pleasure to meet you, 'I think, I know why he adopted this boy. But why do I feel that he's different from any of us?'Benjamin. (looking at his features more attentive, then his eyes) 'Maybe I should ask B later'

Ben- 'His hand is strong and unnatural. Like Tetraman but in human structure, this may be interesting' The same can be said to you, (remembering his features)Mr. Kent. (the Beatrix took the nearest DNA and store it secretly)You can call me Ben for short. (letting the hand go)'Friendly, if you judge the cover.'

Clark- 'Very mature and formal, like I am talking to a teenager. More like an adult, I guess' (smiled gladly at the boy)Then call me Clark, (scratching his cheek)it made me too old just by calling my last name. (remembering the times when Damian keeps calling him Kent and scolding his adoptive brothers)

Jason- (he chuckles at the guest's troubled expression)Don't let Damian hear you that, not the first time you try. (remembering the day when Clark tries to be friendly to Damian that it didn't end well)

Clark- (shivers at the memory)He still scares me whenever I try calling him by his name. (then the times when said assassin threatens him with kryptonite)If looks could literally kill, then I'm reporting Bruce here. (Jason chuckles together with Ben and Bruce at the other's humor)

Ben- 'I wonder' (with a curious look)By any chance, 'Is he going to stay long here?'(then looked at the reporter in the eyes)are you staying at this mansion? (smiling innocently like it was normal) 'Then Zedra and I have to be careful, don't want to spook him about me.'

Clark- (a bit surprised at the question. Still, with a nervous action and smile he answer)Why yes, 'Why did he ask that question?' (taking a glance at the billionaire)it was already shameful of me to ask him so late. (in which the other returned a smile, Clark still return his gaze back to the youngest. But he still gives me his approval, (rubbing his nape in nervousness)only for today after tomorrow. 'Did I upset him?'(seeing the child and teen nod in understanding) Were you uncomfortable with me? (worried in his features)

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