To Inquire and Beware of Damian

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Alfred led his guest to see his housemaster, as he knows that the reporter's job isn't for a day only. He knew yet, it wasn't his place to ask for. On the contrary, the butler can tell what their guest wanted. You won't call yourself a butler without an informative guess, but he'll let the billionaire say it. Unfortunately on the timing, a young child just opens the door to another room. Showing Damian himself as he climbed down the staircase, pausing to see who is their visitor. Until he starts to stare holes onto the reporter himself, making the two pause. Step by step, Clark begins to sweat in buckets. Even though his invulnerable to anything except for a specific mineral, he is still afraid of the said child:

Damian- 'Of course, it had to be him' (unimpressed)Kent.

Clark- (raising his right hand and waves at the early teen)Hello Damian. 'It never gets old' (showing a bit sorry)Sorry to intrude on your house at this time of the day.

Damian- 'He still needs to practice his vocabularies, as always' (scoffs at the reporter's construct of his sentence)Likewise on your way to my father's. (then turns to the butler)Alfred, where is Zedra? (this piques the man's interest)

Alfred- (compose, he answer the question)At the backyard, Young master Damian. (yet, unsure as to what he has to tell)He would seem to be... practicing his hunting skills.

Damian- 'There's still time' (nods at his answer)I see. (glancing at Kent before he utters any words)Father is waiting in the study room, (then back to Alfred)he just changed places just now. 'I must hurry'(then he leaves the two for the blue hound)Excuse me.

Alfred- Thank you, (with a slight bow)Young master Damian. (then guides his guest to the stairs)

Clark- 'Hunting? Does that mean?' (curiosity piques at the youngest question)By any chance, (while following and looking to the area where Damian disappears)did you buy another Doberman?

Alfred- (he chuckles as he glanced at the reporter)Not quite Mr. Clark, but I can't say anything else since Master Bruce forbid me so.

Clark- (then nods into consideration)I see. 'Better ask him later on, for the night shift'

Dick- (seeing the guest's face, he smiled brightly)Mr. Kent! (greets like an old friend)It's good to see you again. (shaking his hand)I didn't expect to see you this soon, what brings you here? (like his usual script)

Clark- Work for Perry, (showing his troubled face)as usual. 'If there is, it would be my other job'

Dick- Ah! (nodding in understanding)That explains Damian's scowl, (pointing at his behind)Bruce should be in his study room. (he looked to his wristwatch for the time)I have to get going, (he then fished his phone to show before returning back)my boss is making me overwork at Bludhaven.

Clark- (at these words, he was alarmed)Be careful, one of my colleagues told me about an incident there. (showing paper report that he pulls from his briefcase)Since it was rank as top 3 in 'Most Dangerous City" after Gotham. (handing it over to the teen himself as he receives it thankfully) 'Better now than never'

Dick- I will, (tucking the paper somewhere inside the helmet)thanks for the heads up. (giving a guilty face to the butler)Sorry, Alfred. But it looks like I won't be dining in.

Alfred- Not to worry, Master Dick. I'm sure the others will make our newest member feel at home.

Clark- Newest? 'Did Bruce adopted another one? He sure is a lonely person'

Dick- (nodding in confirmation)The newest. (then looked to Alfred with a smile)I'll see you next month, if not in the next week. (before running to the exit)

Alfred- (watching the teen leave)Farewell, Master Dick. (with the door shut, he resume his guidance)Right, this way Mr. Clark.

The two men reached their destination, Clark was left in the care of a billionaire. Outside of the mansion where their backyard is, the young assassin, Damian. Is still looking for the alien-dog, whose location is unknown. High and low he searches for the blue-bug mutt yet, he couldn't sense its presence. Odd as it may be, there's no breathing or anything that could tell it's existence. In all his years of training in the den of shadows, this is his first to experience it. Until three more came:

Ben- What are you doing? (making the assassin glance at his incoming brothers before he meets them)'Okay, maybe not the best way to approach him. He's way too scary to handle, not even Vilgax himself can be this scary'

Damian- (looking at each person)Benjamin, Todd, Drake. (raising his brow)I assume that the tour has been done. 'Is this child aware of our guest?'

Jason- Not quite, (shaking his head)we just got in here and Ben just saw you... (pointing to Ben)looking for something. 'It could be the new dog, he always loves animals. The bat cave will be over-crowded soon if he doesn't stop'(raising his brow in curiosity)As for the question, what exactly?

Damian- I... (looking at his brothers before glancing at the office window)was looking for our new pet. (earning a questionable look from Ben)Alfred told me that it ran here, thinking that he was practicing to hunt.

Tim- That explains it. (looking around their backyard, but couldn't spot the blue-mutt. He returns his gaze back to the youngest bird)Anyways, do you know who is our visitor for today?

Damian- A reporter from the Daily Planet, (growling at his report)only without the woman.

Ben- Is he that bad? (seeing the stare with a raised brow) 'Oh, come on! Can't I get anything with words?' I saw someone when we are walking in the hallway. Figured it was someone asking for a job or just here for a visit, guess I was wrong. 'So every time I get to ask something, I receive a silent treatment with eyes. That's just great.'

Damian- A meddler, as I phrase. (passing between the trees as he is still looking for Zedra)But nevertheless, he's a good friend to my father. (he whispers very low that even the others won't be able to hear) Back to the matter at hand, (turning his back to the group) it seems that I can't detect him. How is that possible?

Ben- Would it make you feel better if we wait until your guest is gone? (making the three brothers think the same sentence)I'll explain what mix he is and how to deal with him.

Jason- Why not now? (he challenge, knowing the obvious answer but he still wants to hear it) 'Just in case I'm jumping to the conclusion too much. Don't want to be gutted because of the wrong answer'

Ben- (he gave a sheepish smile)Cause your guest isn't an ordinary human and I don't know if it's safe to trust him? (which earns him a laugh and two raise brows)

Tim- Really? You're answering us with questionably notes. (rubbing his face and look at his other two brothers, then sigh in defeat)Guess I'll take that excuse, you?

Jason- (stopping to breathe and controlling his laughs)It's a buyable excuse, Tim. (then to the stoic youngest)How about you?

Damian- Valid enough. (joining the group at their small, unfinished tour)

Unknown to the small group, two adults are watching from their small window. One with a small smile and the other with curiosity and excitement.

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