The Death and Rebirth

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Sadness, the grief of someone's loss as the person cries with tears of pain and regret. It reaches to the teams, friends, family and especially the residence of Bellwood. The universe only hero, Benjamin Kirby Tennyson, died to protect every life that exists. With no remains to keep, not even the Omnitrix to be left behind. Out was his funeral as many came, even his enemies who might scheme nothing good mourn. Every planet in the galaxy, sadden but thankful for the boy's sacrifice. Yet on a particular planet, the creator of Omnitrix and a few of his associates. Working on a device, one that is similar but different at the same time. It's in a form of small armband, with a few finishing touches here and there. The item is ready to wear, do what it was programmed. A gift to be given at the hands of who he trusted most. It didn't take long to meet his accomplice, there were five of them that planned this. The genius, the Highbreed, an Anodite, the time-traveler, and the celestpian.

Antidote- Is this really necessary? (looking at the celestial being with a bundle in his arms, worry in her face)

Time-traveler- Very much, I believe so. (mirroring her expression with a sad smile) He gave up not just life, but his very being as well. (looking anywhere but energy being)

Highbreed- Will he able to fulfill his deeds? (neutral for his pride, but he saddens tone could be heard)Won't he need one us? (pointing to all members of the group)

Azmuth- As much for his current state,(gaining all compatriots attention) I'm afraid that we have to ask someone else. (shaking his head)We can't stay at another universe that's not ours to begin, let alone live if we risk our existence.

Celestpian- Which is why we can only guide him,(his voice echoed with gentleness yet stern)That's where you come in,(glaring the man in a lab coat)Paradox, to find a suitable person for his growth.

Paradox- And that candidate won't disappoint you. (taking his pocket watch out and look at the time) Time is of an essence,(putting back the watch)if you don't mind. You all have to bid farewells until he's able to visit you(one by one, they said their goodbyes and give their blessings. The longest came from an Anodite who it's giving a list of ground rules and promise of visitation)Shall we?

Celestpian- We shall(both disappear with either a flash or phase)

DC Universe

At the dead of night were criminals are at work, a man in Bat suit came and stop all those lost. It didn't take long before the officers of laws, taking the wrongdoers off of his care. Letting Commissioner Gordon himself, deal with the criminals and not notice the vigilant's disappearance. Reaching to his vehicle and hit the road home, he was stopped not far nor near his destination. With a suspicious glare before greeting his... strangers, he stood still at the open light. Inspecting, studying, anything that can help him understand why it appears in front of him. It didn't take long and visitors from the portal appears. A man in his late 50's in his steam-punk, yet modernize in sense of fashion. Others seem to be cut from the galaxy itself and filled with stars, three horns that look like crown and eyes that are bright white. If all training didn't pay off, he'll be gawking not just in beauty but in wonder. But what seems to be a bundle in his arms got the Batman curious, just what is in his hand?

Batman- To what do I owe this sudden visit?(voice a bit threatening, yet couldn't help but fear from the beings in front) And who are you exactly?

Paradox- Ah, yes. The Man in Bat, also known as Batman himself.(Being friendly and all)I am Professor Paradox,(reaching a grand out for the man but didn't meet) a time-traveler and associate of Selice. (pointing to his partner who stood still) If possible, we could ask you a favor or two at most. (making the Dark Knight raised a brow, questioning if he could see behind the mask)Its personal matters,really.

Batman- Yet I still wonder(he mumble but waited)I'm guessing it has something to do with the 'package'?(feeling the glaring eyes from the celestial being) Since I'm clueless in this situation.

Selice- Fare enough(walking to the clad with dominance in the air)The personal matters, are to raise this boy and his companion. (Showing the babe and what seems to be a bug-type pup) They'll be a great asset to this world.(handing them with care)

Batman- What about this?(pointing to the cosmic blanket) Won't you want it back?

Selice- I don't.(stepping back) For that is my gift and farewell.(returning to Paradox's side)

Paradox- I'll visit yearly to see his progress and don't, do any forceful to those devices.(pointing to the bracelet and armband) Ta-ta. (returning to where they came from the other side of the portal)

Batman- Yet they didn't tell me your name(he said to the infant while positioning himself in his vehicle) Alfred won't be happy for this. (and drive full yet safely back home)


The area has been clean and watches by a waiting butler, unaware of extra mouths to feed. Readying his teapot and cup to be served for his master, hearing the engine's roar and tires screeching to halt its place. Letting the floor rotate before approaching to greet.

Butler- Welcome back,(waiting for its hood to show his driver, but surprise at his hands)Speechless.

Batman- I was met by a time-traveler and his companion(careful to give the boy and pup) stopping in front and cut me off my returning here. (as he removes himself off the vehicle) Personal favors they say.

Butler- And I presume(following the Dark Knight) that he and this pup will be living with us? (raising his brow questionably)Do they have names? (looking at the bundle in his arms)

Batman- They are. (walking to the computer)As for their names, I was thinking of Benjamin Wayne and Zedra might work. (typing in his keyboard to create the two's identity)But the dog must stay hidden, (removing his cowl to reveal his face) Alfred. We don't want it out of sight.

Alfred- Of course, Master Bruce. (nodding his head slightly) Shall I inform young master Dick upstairs?

Bruce- Please,(glancing at the elder), and thank you, Alfred.

Alfred- Your quite welcome, sir. (letting the man resume his work before leaving)

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