Guess Who Needs to Go Home

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It was already 2:15 in the afternoon that Bruce let his eldest and youngest son to be excused, seeing that the boy is in need of regular attire. Alfred cleaned most of the mess at the table as he refuses to let Verdona take care of it, but Zedra accompanies the butler and left with him. Leaving the billionaire, his two other sons, and the exorcist. He read Ben's expression for any lies while he tells his story, but there are times when he intends to skip some of his tales. The three didn't miss this, but they know that it was better to ask than to assume their own theories. And thus, he was brave enough to raise his question:

Bruce- His memories. (looking straight at the saddened face)He hasn't fully recovered them, hasn't he? (mirroring his own)

Verdona- Yes, (closing her eyes in pain)the damage to his core was very severe that it left a huge gap in between. (watching her hand disappear after the boy left)The reason why he was de-aged and left with most of his memories, (shocked was plastered in their face)Ben may not able to remember who is his wife or child. (frown in determination and hope)But I am hoping that it didn't come to that.

Tim- (he frowns at the information)He said that he died countless before on his adventures, (seeing a worried expression on Jason)how is he able to recover?

Verdona- (surprised before she chuckles)Our universe is very different from yours, (snapping her fingers, showing an exact replica of the Earth)he was able to heal fast because his essence is a part of it. (showing very thin manna energy)Every death is just a chipped to his core, (showing the golf size ball with green energy, crack but healed instantly)but it was so small that it can be healed faster with just a snap. (the image was slowly disintegrated)He exists in our universe because he was created there from the beginning, but now. (seeing the door where her grandson left)He had to be relocated here, (then shift her gaze to the book)to live once more.

Jason- (looking anywhere but to her)I know that feeling, (returning his gaze to the elderly)but wouldn't it be best to reunite him with his original family?

Verdona- (expression was neutral yet mocking)The first before anything else. (then lowers her gaze)However, his core refuses to return and sought refuge in this dimension. (this surprised the group, especially John)We just don't know why or how it was possible, (looking straight to their eyes with truth)not even Azmuth nor I have the answer to this mystery.

John- Maybe I know. (every head turn to the exorcist, listening to his words)There once was a grimoire that holds pieces of information about souls that don't belong to... well, here. (seeing their raised brow and Tim ready to asked)And don't ask where I found the bloody book, it's complicated. (two just nod while the other just deadpan)If they were able to return but choose not to, (watching Verdona's expression along with the others)they'll travel to a place where they have to start anew. (Verdona gasp)Ben knew he can return and be with his family but, something, within him. Choose to flee, believing that his existence was tied... to something that he believes shouldn't be return with him or something.

Verdona- I see, (smiling fondly)but what's done is done. (looking at the group)We can only accept that he is already here, (especially to Bruce)even if we don't guide him to you. (with straight and honest eyes)Just make sure he isn't in much trouble than he already is. (with a playful smirk in the end)

Bruce- (chuckles)I'll do what I can but, (shaking his head)make no such promises. (before he shifts to worried look)But does he know his circumstances?

Verdona- (waving her visible hand)He'll guess it, (resting her chin on her knuckle)Gwen told me that he's a very good guesser. (shrugging her shoulders careless)So it won't take long for the guessing game to start.

At Dick's room where the eldest look for his older clothes while Damian only watches Ben scrunching his face, looking a bit far than the object or person in front. Massaging his head as he believes to ease the imaginary pain, reviewing his situation has become a habit since he was ten. But there are also bugging him, he was de-aged three years younger before he met the device. Most of his memories from childhood are missing, it then became blurry when he tries to recall his adulthood. He now knows and said it out loud:

Ben- (his four fingers in each hand, pressed to each side of his sphenoid area)I don't have most of my memories, (brows scrunching and eyes closed)I think? (raising the other before opening both eyes, seeing two pair of curious eyes)

Dick- (an expression shirt on his hand as he gave the lad a worried look) What makes you say that? (raising his own eyebrows before returning the item back, still looking from his drawer) With all the stories of your adventures and mayhems you told us, (feeling the eye-roll from Ben)I say you remember everything well.

Ben- (shiver runs to his spine)Because I'm guessing, (now worried about the assassin)and it was spot on?

Damian- (he scowls at the boy but remembered something)Todd also has the same predicament of sorts long before we met, (looking straight to the other's eyes)I may not say it was similar to yours. (the wielder just nod in appreciation)Perhaps your body needs to mature with time, (straightening his back away the other)along with proper training from us. (glancing at Ben to see that he too, assess his current situation)

Ben- (with a shrug of his shoulder)If you say so. In all honesty, this is the first time that I got de-age with most of my memory intact. (making the eldest smile)Which, (throwing his hands multiple times in the air)isn't funny because I can't make you believe that I'm from a different dimension and I'm older in my head than what I look like. (now putting both hands to his waist)Does it make sense?

Dick- (nodding without even looking)Very. (looking at the very last of his drawer)Found it, (pulling a black shirt with a white vertical strap in the middle)a bit bigger than your size but works like a charm. (he then pulled blue jeans before he gave to the youngest)

Ben- (receiving the items from Dick)Thank you, Richard. (the other replied with a smile)Do you think I could play it? (who was now looking at the youngest bird)You know, (a bit hesitant before asking)the guessing game?

Damian- (frown at the thought)If father allowed it then I have nothing to say, (Ben worried at his answer)regardless of his decision.

Dick- (guide the new member near his bathroom)How about you try those on before we could ask B about the game? (making the other nod and throttle inside)

Ben- (after closing the door)So, all of you related by blood or something? (voice was a bit muffled but could be heard)You guys don't really look alike if you asked me, except the scary dude. (prompting to Damian as he raised a brow in curiosity)

Dick- (he was impressed at the boy's observation)It's... (glancing at the assassin)a bit complicated than that. (tilting his head side-to-side)So, it was something. And yes, (selecting carefully his choice of words)Damian is the only blood related to Bruce.

Ben- Were any of you in the military at a young age? (this surprised both Waynes)Cause if looks could kill, (glancing at each other)I'm supposed to be dead in front of you guys long ago.

Damian- (frowning as he glared at the closed door)None of us were able to attend or trained in any kind of services. Father stated that I have deliberated fury with certain issues, (a silent growl that rumbles to his throat)that is all. (hearing an 'Okay' at the other side, before it was open to reveal Ben in a bit loose shirt and tight pants)You look... (glancing at the elder)better. (glancing to Ben's feet)As for your footwear, (making the other followed his example)Alfred will bring you to a shop that sells one.

Dick- Other than that, it looks good on you. (giving thumbs up)

Ben- Thanks. (giving them a smile, genuinely)We should head back and see if my grandma is alright, it would seem that her visiting time is up. (pointing his thumb to the exit. The eldest and while the other scoff as they let Ben walk in front of them, watching as he knows his way to the library)

The doors were open as three boys entered the room, Ben was hurrying to Verdona's side with worry. The hand that was already gone was reappeared and translucent, the feeling that was cold and solid was familiar to him as many times he experiences it. Guilt was seen to the woman, connecting her energy to the grandson as she felt his feelings. The others saw this but couldn't help but felt pity, especially Bruce's sons. Yet, the wielder of the powerful device. Eyes brimming with resolve and courage, look at his grandmother to her eyes:

Ben- You need to go home, Grandma. (this gave collective shocks from each person in the room. Including, the woman herself)

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