Existence to Fight for

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Darkness was everywhere, yet he could hear the voices from somewhere else. A feminine with age that's familiar and a man with an Australian accent, whispering? No, talking to each other. They are not bickering yet, but surely the topic was all about something. Eyes are fluttering and adjusting to the light, a few more seconds to clear out the blurry image to see everything well. Case? Not quite, it was shelves of books. A two-store library from the city or a part of the school building he guesses. With a jolt of realization and awareness, he knew there was something wrong. All his memories are with him but his body was different, he wasn't even wearing anything except for a cosmic blanket that's wrapping his frame. Feeling naked and all but especially, wrong. The material felt his distress and cling to his skin, making sure to cover every part of his body. The boy was laying at the couch near the curtained window, he was grateful for the privacy and shame if someone caught him naked. The voices are there yet the words could barely be heard, putting his feet to the carpet to stand. Walking his way to the source, he's determined to uncover all his building questions. Passing to the columns after columns of shelves, hearing the voices getting stronger until he found a clearing. At the center were two individual chairs and a couch at the opposite that's on top of an old Russian carpet. Long oblong coffee table with nothing but a book and mug on top, while the tea-set are floating with pink energy. Pink energy? It was manna! He knew that color of power anywhere, which he runs to were the items are:

Boy: Grandma Verdona! (stopping at the side of the woman with blue cloaked happily, oblivious to the blond man in a trench coat and a group with raven hair)

Verdona- Hello Ben, (with a smile on her face, green eyes bore to the child with glee and mischief)Did you rest well, kiddo?

Ben- I did but, (with raising brow)where are we? (now aware of the strangers that are looking at him, which he leaned in to whisper)And why are we in front of so many strangers? (which earned him giggles from the elderly)

Verdona- How about you take a seat first? (Ben complied as he seat on the carpet, near his relative)Thank you. Ben, we're in another dimension where Gods and devils exist. (pausing for the boy to process)After that stunt you pulled out back home, your core has traveled to this earth to exist but lost its shards.

Ben- That explains it. (scrunching his brow before looking to the ground, then glimpse to his side seeing unknown faces)But if my core traveled here and lost its shards, shouldn't I forget you and everyone else in our dimension? (curious ears are listening)Not to mention, me being dead? (to which the others were surprised)

Verdona- You could blame me and your friends for that. (smirking at the answer that dawn to the boy, he looked to his wrist and saw the watch still latched around and a new device on his right arm)I admit that most credit comes to 'that' (pointing to the Omnitrix)device, but four of us also did our share.

Ben- Four? (as the other echoed his question)So the shards are still there.

Verdona- No, Ben. (shaking her head and signal some kind of command)Your shards are already here before you wake up with memories intact. The last one is that book over there, (pointing to the small yet thick book)which I delivered personally. (an adult kind of hound was shown to her side. wagging its tail seeing the boy)Recognize him?

Ben- Your, (surprise at the mutt)Zed! But, boy? (looking to Verdona)Not a girl? (the woman chuckles)

Verdona- He, (patting its head)was born from fragments that we gather. The same as your body that now inhibits your core with shards. (letting the mutt lay at the boy's lap)The celestial-sapien that manages this universe, sought your core by MC's will to helped us. Resulting in a tiny baby you were, (which made him blush in embarrassment as the others laugh)with brown hair and all of course. (making the youngest grab a few of his locks, seeing it was black before looking to the group beside him in worry before returning to his Grandma)

Ben- So I can't go back? (which sadden the woman, shaking her head with guilt)But I can visit, right?

Verdona- Yes, (which Ben smiles)but. (then quickly erased)You cannot stay for more than a week.

Ben- Works for me (shrugging his shoulders before thinking a bit more, with an innocent look he could muster)Do I get 'Master Control' on this? (showing the watch which latter gave a hearty laugh)

Verdona- You have to ask Azmuth for that. (which he then pout)Now, we have hours to chat before I left you in their capable hands.

The boy stands and pats his behind before approaching the group of vigilantes, sure he has done this thousands or million times before he died. But not with stern faces like them and he admits at the fact that they are scary, especially their youngest. Maintaining their distance as six feet of distance for personal and safety space:

Ben- Hi, (waving to them with casualties)I'm Benjamin Tennyson. It's nice to meet you all. (nerves are killing him, afraid that his grandma will do something unnecessary)

Bruce- Nice to meet you too. (Who's the first to wave back and took a step forward)I'm Bruce and this are my children. (putting his hand to chest)Richard, (who says 'hello')Jason, (who the other greet with 'sup' and nod)Tim, (greeted with 'hey' and wave) and Damian. (who scoff with glare, as the boy getting another step back. Threaten by the youngest, the billionaire noticed and presume to his butler)Alfred is my butler and friend. Lastly-

John- John Constantine, (approaching Ben with a business card to which he accepts)at your service

Ben- 'Exorcist, demonologist, and-' (glancing with a frown to the blond) 'Master of Dark Arts.' You're a dark caster.

John- I take it that you've seen one before? (intrigue at the boy)but not the people who summons demons.

Ben- Two, (returning the card to its provider)from where I came from. (smiling at the memory before he added)And yes, they don't summon 'your' kind of monsters.

John- Interesting, (glancing at the book then the elder woman before he returns his gaze to the boy)maybe you do have a talent for knackers like this?

Ben- Hardly, (pausing to think)but I don't know about my circumstance now.

John- In a way, yes. (glimpsing to the grandfather clock to see 11:25)How about we get lunch? No brain will work without food in our bellies. (patting his own stomach that others agree)

Verdona- I may have to pass, (lifting her hand in refusal)an energy-being like me has no need to eat at all. (Feeling worried and saddened aura coming from her grandson that she saw what was happening. The tip of her finger is slowly fading yet still there, she confirms Azmuth's words and will report her finding to him)

Ben- (he was panicking inside with worry)Grandma!?

Verdona- Oh, don't worry about it, Ben. (shaking her hand a bit before showing it again, normal and visible)This dimension doesn't recognize me, that's all. I was fine if it's an alternative dimension that's near our timeline, but we're too far and almost out of reach. Which is why this happens and personal reasons too. (jokingly)

Ben- Are you sure? (still worried before became serious) Cause I'm not risking your existence for my selfishness. (Which earns him a flick on the forehead) Ow. (Rubbing the sore area)

Verdona- This is 'my' selfishness, Ben. (With a stern look but change to a playful glee) And with all your work-load back home, you deserve a vacation.

Ben- I have a feeling that 'this' vacation is 'work' (with a deadpan face and another flick) Ow! Grandma!

Verdona- That's, (pointing to the boy's forehead)for thinking negatively. Also, (tilting her head slightly to tease)your luck wasn't siding you at all.

Ben- (now pouting)Always and forever. (hearing the grandmother laugh that he smiles in fondness)

The boys then left the woman alone in the library since she refuses to join the offer. She took her necklace out and open the pendant that resembles an hour-glass, projecting a hologram that shows her time limit. Scowling at the image before looking to her hand that was now missing, knowing time was running out:

Verdona- If you do have a 'spark' in this chance of life. (looking to the book after putting the pendant back)I hope mine and the knowledge others are enough to teach it all, Ben. (scowling at the door before the clear sky through the glass window)

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