13 : Goodbye For Now

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And the day finally came.

That day was just another ordinary practice match--or so Amanogi thought. But then something happened which made Aomine lost all his spirit to attend practice. After that, the members seemed to follow Aomine's steps, they started to get lazy.

The turning point was that day. Amanogi watched in wary as suddenly Murasakibara challenged Akashi for a one-on-one. He was almost winching when he saw the score--Akashi was about to lose.

But then, the most unexpected turn happened. The battle was won by Akashi.

Akashi changed, into a completely different person. The most noticeable change was his eyes. 

"Sei, your eyes." Amanogi murmured in disbelief as he walked closer to the boy.

"Ah, this?" Akashi touched his eyes and smirked, "It's my real power, I gues it's been hidden all this time."

Amanogi's eyes wavered as he knitted his eyebrows. "Sei, are you..okay?"

"Okay? I'm more than okay, I'm overflowing with energy right now, Yū." Akashi tightened his palm, "I never felt better than this."

The silver haired boy watched Akashi wearily. "Sei, what on earth happened to you?"

"Ahh, right, do whatever you want, just keep winning our matches."

The boys jumped in schock at Akashi's words.

"Midorima and Kise, the same goes for you too as well. As long as you win matches, I won't say anything."

Amanogi gasped with widened eyes, "Sei, what are you talking.."

The other first strings were complaining on Akashi's decision. It's like the boy didn't care about team play at all.

"For us the miracles, team play is only a hindrance."

"No way, are you even the same Sei I know?" Amanogi murmured silently with trembling hands. He ran outside, chasing after Murasakibara who was leaving the gymnasium. Kuroko hadn't come yet, he's still outside searching for Aomine who left earlier.


The purple haired boy stopped and turned around lazily.

"What is it, Nogi-chin? If you're here for scolding me, then don't bother--"


Murasakibara stopped as he saw Amanogi's face. The boy looked like he almost broke, almost crying but he held it in.

"Atsu, listen to me first, please."

"Huff fine, what is it Nogi-chin?"

Amanogi gulped, "You..what's wrong with you?! I know you're not serious about skipping practice, right?"

"Huh? I mean what I said, practice is so tiring."

"No way! You can't play properly as a team if you don't come to practice!"

"Like I said, Nogi-chin, if you're just going to scold me, I won't listen--"

"But Atsu--"


Murasakibara looked at Amanogi with bored eyes.

"I hate basketball, so I won't bother to practice." The boy scoffed, "Don't search for me anymore except for official match. Even if it's you, Nogi-chin, I don't care anymore."

The silver haired boy gasped, the word was like lightning struck into his heart, directly. It hurt so much, the fact that Murasakibara said that easily while giving him tired eyes like he truly didn't care. All this time, Amanogi was one of the two people who were able to keep Murasakibara in his place. More like, the purple haired boy always had a soft spot for Amanogi, and now it felt like he's a complete stranger.

The Jewel of Miracle -Kuroko no Basuke ff- (GoM + Kagami x Male!OC)Where stories live. Discover now