31 : The Birthday Party

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"Welcome--guys.." Amanogi stared with wide eyes at the sight in front of him. The guests came with various kind of gifts. "Sigh, I told you before no need to--"

"No no no, we won't accept that kind of talk right now, Amanogi-kun." Riko intercepted while shushing the man. "Here, happy belated birthday!" she said while handing over the gifts.

"We can't think of anything good so the second years decided to buy one together." Kiyoshi added while lightly scratched his neck.

"D-Don't expect anything fancy okay!" Hyūga said while snorting.

Amanogi chuckled and took the gift, "I told you, what's important is the intention, not the gift itself. He took a glimps and could see a branded clothing Kiyoshi used to wear. 'These senpai made too much effort..'

"Alright! We first years also compiled our money to buy something decent!"

"But, well, you see--"

"What's important is the intention right, hehe!"

"Hey! Even we could see it's a bundle of old comics!"

The silver haired man chuckled again at the paper bag filled with comics. He never read them, so maybe it's time to give it a shot.

"Thank you, guys." he smiled again and received the gift.

Kagami scratched his blushing cheeks and handed over an obvious orange and round object--a basketball.

"Oi oi Kagami, I don't think you're that broke to give someone a used ball like that!" Hyūga said while frowning.

"Hey it's not a mere ball! Look closer!" Kagami exclaimed while pointing at a specific part of the ball, feeling wronged with the accusation.

"Don't tell me--"

"Oh my God is it what I think it is?!"

The red haired man scoffed, "See? It's a ball I kept at my house. When Yū was there he kept saying it's a rare item." he said proudly while looking at the ball, signed by a famous basketball player--Michael Jordan.

Amanogi held the ball with trembling hands--from excitement. "Gaga, you're sure about giving this to me?" he asked in disbelief. He knew how precious the ball was for Kagami, so it's almost unbelieveable to hear the man was giving it to him.

"Yep, it's all yours. Take good care of it okay!" Kagami said while patting the man's hair lightly.

The others grumbled, feeling their gifts less valuable.

"Here's mine, Yū-kun." Kuroko said quietly while others were busy debating about the gifts. Amanogi turned to Kuroko and chuckled, as expected Kuroko went for a practical gifts, rather than items to use. He bought the limited coupon that can be exchanged with 10 glass of milk tea at the famous brand.

"How did you get this Tetsu? Even I couldn't get it because it's sold to the first 100 people only."

"Actually, I get this by accident, and I planned to give it to you. I couldn't think of anything so..I'm giving it as your present."

"Thanks, Tetsu." Amanogi said while putting all the gifts aside. "Alright guys, come in, don't stand in front of the door."

The Seirin members, once again, began to fully admire the decoration inside the house. Suddenly, the dull atmosphere from back then changed into a lively-ball-like-room.

"Wah, I feel like going to a ballroom for an aristocrate party." Riko commented. Meanwhile, the boys were busy eyeing the feast.

"Woah! Look at that chocolate fountain!"

The Jewel of Miracle -Kuroko no Basuke ff- (GoM + Kagami x Male!OC)Where stories live. Discover now