23 : Facing The Giant

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Amanogi widened his eyes, his mind blacked out instantly. He tried to push the man, but to no avail Aomine didn't budge at all. The navy haired man desperately licked Amanogi's lips and tried to insert his tongue, but Amanogi quickly kicked the man's private part.

"Itte--" Aomine screamed while holding his pants with teary eyes, he looked up--wanting to protest but stopped at Amanogi's face.

Aomine reached out for the man with guilty face, "Yū--"

The black haired man walked back while flinching as he saw Aomine trying to touch him. His hands still resting on mouth, rubbing it harshly. Amanogi's eyes were wet with unshed tears, "D-Don't come closer."

"I'm really sorry--" Aomine looked down and tucked his hair hard, "--I-I have no excuse.." he murmured with low voice. He ached to walk forward but he knew he must to restrain himself, because what he did just know was unforgivable. If the other GoM members knew about this, he would be dead for sure.

Worst thing was, it was Amanogi's first kiss.

He thought it was, little did he know his lips wasn't innocent anymore.

"Why you--d-didn't you like Momoi-chan?!" Amanogi asked weakly while still maintaining the distance between them.

The navy haired man only looked at him with increduled face, "Satsuki?! We're just friend! I...I am always.." Aomine gulped down and stared at the man's eyes directly, "I love you."

Amanogi's breath hitched, "W-What are you saying. haha, don't joke around in the situation like this--"

"I'm serious! I was--am always in love with you!"

"You don't--" Amanogi said while trying to laugh it off, but the serious expressions gave all the answers. "--no way...But I'm not--"

"I know, I'm really sorry to kiss you without your consent." Aomine replied, trying to maintain eye contacts as it's really hard to see the man he loves doubted him--doubted his love. "But I never get more serious than this, never in my life..even more than basketball."

He tried to touch the man's shoulders, seeing Amanogi was in a dazed state. But again, he didn't want to take advantage or touch the man without his consent again.

"Please trust me.." he murmured, looking lost as he didn't know what to do. Amanogi's gaze wavered, as he didn't know what to say or trust anymore.


Aomine scoffed, "Back in middle school..until now."

"No way." Amanogi shook his head and scoffed, but seeing Aomine's hurt face made his smile faltered. "Then..are you confessing just now?"

"I am." Aomine said with complete resolute, "The order is wrong though..but I am confessing right now. So..will you--?"

"But.." The silver haired man trembled slightly from the confusion. All this time, he never expected to be greeted with a confession--a kiss even. "Sorry, Dai--" He turned around and ran away. In his mind, all he wanted right now was to be far away from the man, ignoring the curious gazes from others.

He stopped while panting, then looked around. He's kinda lost and he just remembered that he must to come back with Seirin.

"D*mn it, what now?" he mumbled with glistening eyes. He trembled as he opened his phone, trying to call Kuroko, but then a call came.

"Are you back already nanodayo?"

And Amanogi was never more glad than this before to hear Midorima's voice.

The Jewel of Miracle -Kuroko no Basuke ff- (GoM + Kagami x Male!OC)Where stories live. Discover now