16 : The Past Still Hurts

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Amanogi only blinked dumbly at the situation. Somehow he's seated in the middle, between Kuroko and Kagami, with Midorima and Kise in front of him. He decided to ignore them and focused on the food--just like Kuroko, as he had been craving for Japanese food.

"Yū-cchi, eat more ssu! Here, try this one!"

"Yū-kun, I heard you like this, here."

"Yū, don't drink too much milktea, eat."

Kagami sweatdropped as he heard the three men were literally babysitting the silver haired man.

"Ugh stop it, I can't eat that much like Kagami-kun." Amanogi complained while returning the food placed on his plate. "Guys I can eat, stop shoving me with your foods. You eat instead!"

"But Yū-cchi, you looks so skinny! Look at that arm--"

Amanogi slapped away Kise's hands lightly, trying not to make a scene in the middle of the restaurant--as if their table wasn't interesting enough for eyes to see. "Ryō, eat." he said sternly while glaring at the blonde man--who immediately put up puppy eyes.

"Oi Amanogi, I've been wondering for a while." Kagami gulped down his food and glanced at the man, "Are you sick or something? I saw the bandage on your arms."

"That's right, I know you've been avoiding to answer the question, but please tell us right here, nanodayo."

The four men watched Amanogi in anticipation, pressuring him more as he clutched on his arms tightly.

"It's just..turns out the weather in England was too cold, and I develop an alergy." He looked down, "There's an ugly red spots on my hands, but I'm fine now."

"Ohh~" Kagami and Kise replied simultaneously, but Midorima and Kuroko weren't convinced at all. If it's just a mere allergy, Amanogi wouldn't overreact like that.

They finished eating--without prying much onto Amanogi's secret, luckily.

"Kagami, some advice for you." Midorima got up and side eyed the red haired man, "There are two of GoM in the Tokyo district. I am one, and the other is Aomine Daiki."

Amanogi flinched slightly as he heard the name, and Kuroko noticed this too.

"--He's the same type of player as you."

"Huh? I don't get what you mean but, he's strong right?"

Kuroko's face darkened, "Yes he is, but his style of play, I don't like it." he replied while glancing at Amanogi who also frowned when they recalled the memories. "Midorima-kun--"

Midorima stopped and waited for Kuroko to continue his words.

"--let's compete again."

The green haired man scoffed, "Of course, and next time I'll be the winner." he replied, then walked outside. Amanogi only smiled as he saw their interactions, he knew from before Kuroko and Midorima's relationship wasn't that good, but at least they respected each other.


Amanogi picked up his phone nervously as he saw the caller was his mother, "Good evening, Okaa-san."

Kuroko and Kise went quiet while staring at Amanogi who was taking the call. Kagami eyed both men with confused face, "Why did you become serious suddenly? What's wrong with him picking up the call? Is there something wrong with it?"

The sky blue haired man shook his head, "Nothing you should know, Kagami-kun."

Kagami raised his eyebrows but didn't reply as he knew it's not his right to meddle with someone's affair. They walked out, getting ready to go home.

The Jewel of Miracle -Kuroko no Basuke ff- (GoM + Kagami x Male!OC)Where stories live. Discover now