~ Chapter 6 ~

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Y/n's POV

I walk up to Freya and Arthur and ask if they need any help bringing the things in.

"Oh Y/n, thank you dear, could you bring in some bags please," said Freya in a thankful tone.

I make my way back to the car, I walk past Tubbo and see he is very lost in thought. 'I wonder what he is thinking about' I think to myself.

I walk past the three girls, they seem to be looking at something on Holly's phone. I walk over to the girls to see a picture of me and Tubbo cuddling in the car.

"You know it's creepy to take photos of people without them knowing," I say to the girls.

All three of them jump out of their skins, they move around trying to hide the phone.

"I already saw it, "I said in a nonchalant tone.

"Sorry, but you guys were too cute lying like that" Holly said trying to reason her action.

"You girls better help me with the bags or I'm gonna tell Tubbo," I said, well that got Lani and Teagan moving, but Holly just stood there.

"Hand me your phone," I said holding out my hand to Holly.

"No, it's my phone," she said holding the phone closer.

I then step forward and start tickling her, she starts to loosen her grip on the phone and I grab it. I hold it over my head and delete the photo. I then hand back Holly's phone and walk over to the car to get my bags.

"HEY, YOU DELETED IT" Holly yelled out to me.

"EVEN IN MY RECENTLY DELETED" at that I burst out laughing, holding onto the car for support, Lani and Teagan also join in.

We grab all the bags and walk into the house. their house was a pretty normal-looking house, but it had a cozy feel to it, I think I'm gonna like it here.

"Where do you want us to put our things?" I ask turning to Freya.

"Well Holly is staying in Lani and Tegan's room since it's the biggest, for you though," she said trailing off.

"You see at the moment our house is under renovation so we don't have a guest room yet so you might have to sleep in the study on the sofa until it's done," Arthur said in a guilty tone.

"No that's perfectly fine-" I get cut off by Tubbo.

"She can stay in my room I have space," he said.

"Only if it's ok with Y/n," Freya said turning to me.

"U-uh yeah sure," I said a bit shocked.

"Ok kids show the girls to your rooms," Freya said going to the kitchen herself.

"This way," Tubbo said, I face his direction only to see he was going up the stairs with my stuff. I quickly follow him up the stairs to the second floor, he leads me into his room. his room...well it wasn't the messiest room I have seen, I mean Holly can get pretty bad but-.

"Sorry for the mess i...I was doing some work and didn't get time to clean" he said sounding embarrassed.

"It's fine, but where do I sleep," I said looking around not seeing much space.

"Oh um, we will probably have to share, at least till we go shopping tomorrow and get an air mattress" my jaw nearly hit the floor, you're saying I'm going to sleep in the same bed as a boy that I barely knew.

"Uh yeah sounds ok to me," I said trying to act normal.

"Well anyway their a bathroom connected to this room, through that door," he said pointing to a random door.

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