~ Chapter 11 ~

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Y/n's POV

"So who is joining us?" I ask Tubbo, we were on our way to the arcade and today was a nice day so we decided to walk there.

"Well, I'm pretty sure it's Tommy, Wilbur, Phil, Niki, and Jack," he said checking his phone.

"Cool," I say, there was an awkward silence until I decide to break it.

"So, why were we cuddling in your bed this morning," I ask looking at him, it had been on my mind all morning.

"Well about that," he said with a nervous chuckle.

"You kinda freaked out last night, so I tried to calm you down, when you were finally calm you fell back asleep hanging onto me, so I couldn't move and I was too tired to wait for you to let go, so I just went to sleep with you hanging onto me," he said rambling on, he was looking at the ground and his cheeks were dusted with bright pink.

"O-Oh I'm sorry I kind of get like that when I'm sick, sorry," I say my cheeks were now glowing a bright red.

"It's fine I'm glad you feel better now," he said smiling at me.

"Thank-" I was about to say thank you when I felt someone grab onto my shoulder.


"FUCK" I say in surprise, I turn around to see Tommy laughing his ass off.

"AHHH T-THE WOMAN SWORE A-AT ME, " I hear Tommy yell in between laughs.

"You're a dick Tommy," I said finally getting my heart rate back to normal.

"Tubbo tells your "Roommate" to be nice to me," Tommy said whining to Tubbo.

"What do you mean by "roommate"? " Tubbo and I say in unison giving Tommy a confused look.

"Don't listen to him, he doesn't know what he is talking about, anyway hi my name is Niki," Niki said holding out her hand, I hadn't realized the other people that were there.

"Nice to meet you, Niki, my name is Y/n," I say shaking her hand.

"This is Wilbur, Phil, and Jack, and I guess you've already met Tommy," Niki says pointing at everyone, with a slight chuckle.

"Yes, unfortunately, and nice to meet you guys," I said turning my attention to the other three.

"Nice to meet you too Y/n," Wilbur said walking up to me, then shook my hand. jack and Phil followed suit.

"Can we go in now" I turn around to see Holly and Tommy standing at the entrance of the arcade?

"Stop your whining, and sure let's go," I say walking past Holly hitting her head on the way in.

"OWW" I hear Holly shout from outside, I hear tubbo chucking next to me at Holly's reaction.

~ Time skip to when they leave~ 

"That was so much fun," I say almost skipping to the door. the six of us had taken turns in playing all the games, most of the time none of us winning anything, but tubbo had won a ( your fav animal) plushy and gave it to me.

"And Tubbo thank you again for the plushy," I say skipping over to Tubbo and giving him a peck on his cheek and skipping off to go walk with Niki.

When I reach Niki I see her looking shocked.

"What?" I say giving her a confused.

"Are you and Tubbo dating," Niki said now with a smirk

"No, we are just friends, why?" I say still confused

"You just gave Tubbo a kiss on the cheek," she said giving me a duh look.

Then it hit me, I just kissed Tubbo, I JUST KISSED TUBBO.

"Y/N, YOU JUST SAID THAT OUT LOUD" Niki wisped yelled at me. I turned around to see the boys looking at me, I didn't have time to look at Tubbo's reaction before I ran out of the arcade.


A/n - sorry I know I promised this chapter would be longer and out earlier but I have just been really busy recently, but I will try to post more.

also, I'm sorry this is a bit of a filler chapter, don't worry it's going to get better ;)

I love you all and I hope you guys are enjoying this book because I enjoy writing it <3

don't forget to take care are yourself and eat and drink well, love you all xx

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