~ Chapter 9 ~

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Y/n's POV

We were walking down the stairs when we are greeted by the smell of pizza, we walk into the kitchen to see a pile of pizza on the counter. I look for Holly and see her sitting at the table, I look her dead in the eyes giving her a 'did you order my pizza' look.

"Yes I did, it's on the bottom," Holly said answering my question, everyone else just gave us an odd look. I let go of Tubbo's hand and walk over and grab myself a piece. I walk over and sit down next to Holly and Tubbo, everyone started to break off into conversation and I started to get to know the Smith family. 

I was feeling a bit of jet lag so I didn't finish my pizza and placed the rest on my plate, I continue my conversation with Lani when I see from the corner of my eye Tubbo grab the rest of my pizza and start to eat it. I could feel my cheek grow warm and just hope Lani didn't see what happened.

"Are you ok Y/n, you look a bit flushed," Freya said noticing my cheeks.

"Just a bit jet-lagged is all," I say hoping they don't realize I lied, well my half-lie.

"Oh ok, maybe you should go lie down, do you need any medicine?" Freya says catching everyone's attention, my cheek grows even warmer from everyone's gaze set on me.

"No ill be fine, ill just go lie down," I say getting up.

"I'll come with you," Tubbo says getting up from his chair pick up mine and his plate and placing them in the sink, he then followed me upstairs to his room.

"I can sleep on the floor," I say getting my pillow.

"No, you have the bed ill take the floor," Tubbo says grabbing my pillow and placing it on his bed.

"Are you sure?" I ask turning to face him.

"Yeah, ill survive a night on the floor I'm sure," he says smiling at me.

tw - throwing up

"Thank you," I say in return. I go to grab my pj's when I catch a wif of something bad, I run to the bathroom and start to throw up. I then feel a pair of hands hold my hair out of my face and rub small circles on my back as I continued to throw up.

Tubbo's POV

"Yeah, ill survive a night on the floor I'm sure," I say smiling at her, I wasn't looking forward to sleeping on the floor but if it means Y/n was comfortable I was fine with it.

"Thank you," she says in return and went to grab her pj's from her bag. I start to walk out of the room to let Y/n get changed when I hear my bathroom door slam against the wall, I turn around to see Y/n throwing up in the toilet. I rush over to her and held back her hair while rubbing small circles on her back to comfort her. 

End of tw 

I continue doing this until she had finished, she then rested against the bathroom wall, while she was resting I grab her pj's and place them on the counter.

"I'm just going to tell my mum ok? ill be right back" I say crouching down to her level, she just nods in response, she looked like she was about to pass out. 

I rush out of my room down to where my mum was.

"Y/n just threw up and it looks like she going to pass out," I say to my mum panic evident in my voice. My mum quickly gets up from her seat and rushes to my room. I quickly head to the kitchen and get a glass of water for Y/n. I then walk up the stairs and head to my room to see my mum lying down a sleepy Y/n in the bed.

"Is she ok?" I ask turning to my mum.

"Yeah she will be but she will need some rest, if you don't mind could you stay here and make sure she is ok?" she asks.

"Yeah no problem," I say pulling up a chair next to the bed.

"Ok good, I'm going to go back downstairs with the others so good night and see you in the morning, love you," she says heading to the door.

"love you too good night," I say turning my attention back to Y/n.

~ Time-skip about an hour ~

After a bit I decided I should get some sleep, I see that there is some space next to Y/n in the bed, I get up from my chair and lay down next to her hoping she won't mind. Just as I was about to turn around Y/n wrapped her arms around me and snuggled into my chest. I lay there stunned for a second before relaxing into her arms, just as I'm about to drift off into sleep I hear her whisper something.



 A/n - let me know if there are any spelling mistakes :)

and don't forget you're all beautiful and loved and don't forget to take care of yourself.

(1021 words)

love you all <3

love you all <3

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