~ Chapter 12 ~

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Tubbo's POV

What the hell just happened.

Did Y/n just kiss my cheek?


"Dude she just kissed your cheek" I could hear Tommy whisper yell.

"No shit sherlock," Wilbur sassily said to Tommy. 

I was still trying to process what happened when I hear Y/n yell something.

 "I JUST KISSED TUBBO" I look up at her to see her looking stunned before she ran out of the arcade followed by Niki. I start to go after them before being pulled back.

"I think it's best if you stay here, I think she may need a minute," Phil said pulling me back into the group.

"But what if-" I start to say before being cut off by Jack.

"Just let her think, ok, then you can go see her" I just sigh in defeat and just watched the door waiting for her return.

Y/n's POV

Once I get out of the arcade I look for anywhere I could go to think, I look around and see a park to my left and run toward it.

When I reach the park I looked for a quiet place I could go, I see a random path that lead into the wood and decided to follow it.

When I reach the park I looked for a quiet place I could go, I see a random path that lead into the wood and decided to follow it

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I walked for a little while admiring the view as I went, I then found a random tree and sat down. my mind decided to wander around looking back at all the things that have happened in the few days up to the moment in the arcade.

"I'm so stupid," I said lightly banging my head against the tree behind me.

"He probably thinks I'm disgusting now, great, and I have to go back home and see him," I say groaning at the thought of facing him. As all these thoughts were going through my head I could feel my eyelids drooping before they shut.

Tubbo's POV

I was starting to panic it had been almost 20 minutes since the girls left.

"That's it I'm going to go find them" I mumble to myself before walking toward the door. just as I open the door I was met with a worried-looking Niki.

"What happened, is she ok?" I ask Niki before she had time to talk.

"I think so, she ran off into the park and then I lost her," she said sounding like she was about to cry.

"I'm sorry..." she said. I pull her into a hug assuring her that it wasn't her fault.

"You stay here with the guys ill go look for her, ok?" she just nodded in response. I let go of her and hand her to Wilbur who was behind us with the others.

"ill be back in ten if not call me," I said and walked out the door before anyone can stop me.

I run to the park and look around for her 'if I was Y/n where would I go' I think to myself, I had no idea I have only known her for two days. I continue to look for her when I came across a path, I walk down it hoping that she would be down it.

I start to run down the path looking for her the thought of her being hurt fueling my speed.

I then turn a corner to see her slumped on a tree.

"Y/N," I say kneeling next to her, I then see her eyes closed. I lightly shake her awake, she then jolts up in panic then she see me and began to calm down.

"T-Tubbo hey," she said with a nervous chuckle.

"Hey," I said with a slight laugh, I stand up and hold out a hand for her.

"Thank you," she said grabbing onto my hand pulling herself up, when she stood up she swayed a little so I grabbed hold of her to steady her.

"Sorry just a little light-headed," she said leaning on me.

"It's fine but I think it's time we go back, don't you think?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah good idea," she said standing on her own again.

We start to walk back to the arcade when she began to talk.

"A-About the k-kiss before sorry if it made you uncomfortable," she said looking at her shoes.

"You didn't don't worry it was just in a friendly way, right?" I say hoping I was wrong.

"Y-Yeah just in a friendly way," she said, that hurt. the rest of the way was silent living us just to our thoughts, mine was filled with her, how pretty she was or how kind, smart, funny, beautiful, I could go on.

When we reach the front of the arcade we see everyone standing outside waiting for us.

"Thank goodness your okay" Niki said running up to Y/n engulfing her in a hug

"Sorry that I ran I was just embarrassed," she said her cheeks now a light red.

"I think it's time we head home now but it was nice to meet you Y/n," Phil said walking up to Y/n and hugging her. 

Everyone said their goodbyes before going their own way. My mum and girls had left a while ago so it was just me and Y/n.

"Um, so, my mum said that there weren't any air mattresses in the store today so we might need to share the bed again, but I can sleep on the couch," I say not knowing what else to say.

"No it's fine we can share, just don't steal all the blanket," she said playfully elbowing me with a laugh.

"Then don't steal the pillows," I say elbowing her back with a chuckle.

"Why do I need to when you are there," she said with a smirk and skipped ahead a little, to say I was speechless is an understatement.

"Hey, Tubbo do you still have my plushy?" Y/n said letting me catch up with her.

"Yeah here," I say giving her the plushy.

"Btw thank you for today I had lots of fun," she said hugging me. I hug her back and decided it was time for payback.

"Your very welcome love" I whisper in her ear and kiss the top of her head. I pull out of the hug with a smirk and start to walk back leaving Y/n speechless.



also thank you all so so much for 1.4k reads and 45+ votes you guys are amazing :)

I love you all and I hope you guys are enjoying this book because I enjoy writing it <3

don't forget to take care are yourself and eat and drink well, love you all xx

(1160 words)

just how? <3

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just how? <3

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