Ch. 1: Becoming: Part 1 & 2

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I woke up late, a lot. That hadn't been the weird part about this morning. It was as I dragged my bike, it's tire popping as I speed to school, I got this weird feeling. It was the same feeling you get when you're on a rollercoaster and are speeding down a huge decline. An odd butterfly feeling, but...there was more to it.

As I finished dragging my bike to the curb of the school, I watched as two other boys raced in with me late to history class.

"We're really cutting it close today, huh?" I joke with them as we take a seat.

"You're telling me." Jim and Toby chuckled but they seemed a bit off. Almost jumpy.

I thought about it for a moment then shrugged it off, turning to my textbook and listened to our teacher, Mr. Strictler.

All day I had felt the gut feeling, especially in class this morning. I couldn't pinpoint why I kept feeling that way and it honestly was starting to tick me off.

As I started to walk home (May my bike rest in peace), I stopped by one of the large posters on the school's brick walls and stared at the 'Romeo and Juliet' poster a little too long.

"This would be fun." I mumble as I read the information displayed in front of me, nodding at it, then continue to walk.

I then stopped surprised when I saw Jim, from history class, talking to Steve in a really stern tone. Steve being a bully as usual.

I quickly saw the problem, Eli, being in a locker rambling about some monsters, while Steve picked a fight with Jim.

I, very quietly, made my way to Eli and opened the locker, tugging him out.

"Wow! You and Jim have to be the nicest people I've ever met!" He exclaimed as he dashed off away from the crowd.

I raised an eyebrow in his direction in confusion but just shrugged and looked back at where Jim and Steve had been to see Steve was now up in my face.

"Excuse you." I grumble as I take a few steps back and see Jim standing next to Steve.

"Leave her alone, Steve."

Steve just shook his head and looked down at me with a smirk. "Nope. This little hottie interrupted me. Now she's gonna pay." He went to grab me but I jumped to the side.

He tripped over his own feet, hitting the ground painfully. He let out a low groan, quickly jumping back up to his feet. 

"Now you're gonna get it!" He glared at me, going to grab at me again when Jim pulled me back.

"(Y/n)! Come on!" Jim rushed me away from Steve, who was yelling threats about fighting Jim and me Friday and whatnot. Toby following behind.

"That was awesome!" Toby yelled, skipping next to me.

"I didn't even trip him. He did that on his own. But now Friday..." Jim made a face when I said this which made me laugh.

"Well, thanks for the help. I'll see you guys tomorrow!" I call out as I make my way out of the school.

"Jim why's it glowing! Hide it!"

I turn around to see what the ruckus was about to see Toby nor Jim were no longer there.


Jim's P.O.V
'After meeting Blinky and Arggghhh'

"So you're telling me it glowed when you were around the young lady, miss (Y/n)?" Blinky asks, flipping through pages of his book rapidly.

I stare at him for a little too long, still trying to get used to the whole trolls are real and I'm supposed to protect the good ones and anyone in need, ya know?

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