"He kissed you?!" My friend squealed as we walked to our fifth period, pushing me to tell more.
And though Jim was always on my mind, I was thinking about the troll who was an assassin, sent to kill us by Mr. Strictler who was a changeling and was working for the son of Gunmar...
Yep! Definitely, a lot to take in.
I sighed with a forced smile. "Y-yeah." It was a HUGE moment for me. For us! But my nerves wouldn't let me think of anything else except all the bad things that could happen, my heart beating fast. As if I had just done sprints.
"Was it not good or something?" We sat down, it being chemistry, and I looked over to see if Jim and Toby were there yet.
I leaned back in my seat and thought back to last night, hiding a squeal leaving from my own mouth. "It was wonderful." His touch was so soft, he was so gentle...though I hadn't seen him since then.
"Yes! You finally have a boyfriend!" My friend screamed a little too loud.
I smiled and took a moment to process the word. "I feel we're more than that...like soul-"
"Hey, (Y/n)!" Toby hollard while giving me a high-five.
"Hey, Tobes." I gave him a smile that faltered to a giggle as Jim walked by me.
"Hey," He kissed my cheek which left me flushed. ", (Y/n)."
I couldn't even make out words and just smiled like an idiot, giving him a small wave.
He just smiled at me and looked back at his textbook.
As we went over different issues and game plans in the library of Trollmarket, I felt like I might burst if I didn't move.
I stood up from my seat and leaned against the table, tapping my foot anxiously. Jim looked at me with a raised brow but stood with me, taking my hand.
He didn't ask me anything, but he had questioning eyes. I fiddled with his fingers, drawing circles on the back of his hand as I rested against his side.
"You okay?" He whispered into my hair.
I let out a heavy breath and nodded. "Yeah. Just thinking."
Draal looked at me with a concerned look and walked towards us.
"Young (Y/n), why are you overfilling with emotion?"
His words hit me hard as Jim squeezed my almost shaking hand.
"Everything. It's just so much. And I'm not sure I can-that I can-" I couldn't finish my words as I took a deep breath to restrain myself from fully freaking out.
"I have just the answer, young (Y/n)."
"That totem seems like it's helping you. Are you feeling any better?" Jim asked as I laid in his lap while he read the trollhunter rule book to me (Us both studying).
"I feel," I sat up and felt a spark in my chest, my mind making a clicking sound as I let out a small laugh. ," Powerful." I pressed my hand against the side of Jim's face and leaned in. His soft lips were something I could never get tired of, him immediately dropping the book and holding my sides to pull me close.
I leaned more forward as I sat up to my knees to shift myself onto Jim, one arm around his neck while the other held onto his bicep.
He held my waist with such thoughtful movement it made my heart ache.
But as we pulled back for air, something in my mind clicked again and I froze.
↹ Jim's P.O.V ↹
(Y/n) pulled away momentarily and I shifted forward so I could bring my lips to hers once more, and they did, but the kiss didn't last long.
As I pressed harder, her lips molding with mine, she pushed me back with a gasp.
"Did I hurt you!? I'm sorry I-"
She stumbled to the floor, crawling 'till she could get up properly, and looked back at me with an expression I had never seen on her before.
Instead of her gorgeous (E/c) eyes, she now had gold glowing orbs (Which, don't get me wrong, we're also gorgeous on her), a cocky smile on her once sweet face.
She walked back to me with on strides and pulled me up by the callor, smashing her lips back onto mine.
I held onto her as she kept a tight grip on me, not her usual kind gentle touch.
She pulled away after a long moment and set me down with a chuckle.
"Oh, my love...I'm going to get rid of him. I'll protect us, don't worry." She started to walk away but I quickly caught her wrist.
"Angor! He's dying today, by my hands! Then that's one less problem we have." I grabbed her hand and shook my head.
"We'll fight him together. Don't go alone."
She cupped the side of my face with her usual gentle touch but...she was wearing a frown as she stared at me.
"You can't get hurt. Ever."
I sighed annoyed and rested my hand on hers which was still cupping my face. "You're the one who's always getting hurt."
She leaned in again and I closed my eyes expected a kiss but felt my wrist become forced together, by rope...
"I can do it. I know I can."
She left without another word, leaving me looking around for a way to cut myself free.
"You need to get the necklace off of her or she'll get herself killed." Blinky explained to me, a wave of panic hitting me.
The ride to the sewers was quiet but I knew everyone was worried, (Y/n) being important to everyone here of course but...if I lost her, WHICH I WOULDN'T...it'd be like losing the thing that kept me on this Earth...
"There! She's there Master Jim!" Blinky pointed multiple fingers to (Y/n)'s tired figure that was barely standing, her eyes flickering on and off between her natural eye's color and gold.
I don't think I ever ran so fast as I raced to be in front of her, blocking Angor's blow.
"For the glory of Merlin, daylight is mine to command!" I screamed, my sword acting as a shield that sent Angor toppling over, only knocked out for a moment.
"(Y/n) we have to go!" I scooped her into my arms only for her to scoff. "I had him...I would've won..." But she quickly passed out, me ripping the necklace off her neck.
↹ (Y/n)'s P.O.V ↹
"Man...we can now officially say we both were put under some spell that made us crazy at some point." I joke as Jim brought me into a hug in the safety of his room.
Jim stroked my head softly, huffing loudly.
"What?" I pulled back to look at him, him still holding me. He stayed silent, suddenly peppering my face with kisses that made me giggle, stopping mid-way to give me a kiss on the lips.
"Who do you think had the longest kiss, like in the world?" Jim asked against my lips. I laughed as I wrapped my arms around him, him holding my waist once more.
"Don't know...wanna see if we can beet them though?"
I felt him grin as he picked me up, spinning me around, and between laughs and kisses said,
"Challenge excepted."

Jim Lake Jr. x reader || Daylight
FanfictionThe trollhunter's destiny is one of great importance. But what if Jim's destiny includes one more person, one more who was destined to be a hero alongside him. (Y/n) (L/n). ❝For the glory of Merlin, as the Destined Partner of the trollhunter, daylig...