We all knew Gunmar was out. End of the world in his sights and all that jazz. That plus the essay I had due...today was shaping to be a 'beautiful' Thursday.
I laid in bed, Jim's bed, rolling over to my side with a sigh, Jim having his time to go hang with Toby. It was nice to see them get together, talk freely, have fun. Something they hadn't done in ages. All of us had partially split for a bit, just taking a moment to breathe, enjoy the world as a nice change of pace. Jim even, being his amazing self, found time to make dinners for Miss Lake, her onto our odd behaviors but excepting the gestures.
And, as happy as I was for Jim and Toby, something stirred in me. I felt uneasy, off, paranoid. It didn't help that I was alone.
I simply couldn't put my finger on what was going on, why I felt this way. It was like I was being watched. Watched as I slept, ate, simply lived! It was a sickening feeling, and it didn't get better.
It had been a cool day out though the sun made it the perfect amount of warmness, perfect for a simple dress.
I didn't bother putting on shoes as I walked outside, sitting on the grass.
I was still, looking at the sky for a while. And, I was just thinking. Thinking. Thinking about everything, all of it. Something I never did. And, it was like someone stuck a pipe into me and was sucking all of the air out of me. My chest felt tight, heavy. While my throat closed up from the pressure of my suppressed sadness.
It wasn't a lot. It wasn't. It wasn't crazy. It was all okay. Anyone else could handle this.
But these words weren't true. I knew that. The heavy tears that found their way out knew that. My sobs knew that.
This was stupid. I was stupid! I'm the Destined Partner! I need to handle this! I can't be sad...
I mean, Jim of course got down at times but he never let that get to him. Toby was always happy! Or, at least that's what I saw.
I mean, we're all just kids! This is a lot! This is a lot!
I forced myself to stop, wiping my red eyes. I quickly sat up as I sniffled, trying to clear my throat. And, that was that. This would just be a scene that happened for me and -- whatever.
But, that feeling. The awful feeling of eyes, stares, made me look around the yard. I let out a surprised sob at what was in front of me.
His shadow cast over me, his glowing features making me feel like a helpless child.
"Destined Partner." Gunmar's low raspy voice made my teeth chatter, my body shaking.
"I've never seen you so scared." He mused, his large body standing like a soldier in from of me. He was so stuff...but dripped with power and confidence.
I angrily wiped at my face and stood up, my knees almost giving out as I tried to look him in his eye. His eye...
"You've been watching me!" I gripped on the hem of the dress so tightly my knuckles popped.
"I have. And I've learned quite a few things while studying you."
Ew...no...he -- he had been watching me...like a stalker. Seeing everything I do. Seeing how I am with Jim, with Toby, my friends! He'd watched my life! And I had no idea it had been him, that awful feeling finally making sense...in the most nauseating way.
"My favorite color's (F/c), everyone knows that. What's your point?" I glared at him, his vicious smile making me feel small.
"No, no, no." He chuckled, waving at me.

Jim Lake Jr. x reader || Daylight
FanfictionThe trollhunter's destiny is one of great importance. But what if Jim's destiny includes one more person, one more who was destined to be a hero alongside him. (Y/n) (L/n). ❝For the glory of Merlin, as the Destined Partner of the trollhunter, daylig...