Ch. 41: Always-To-Be Friend Who No One Knows Of Secrets

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When I made eye contact with my amulet, I stuffed it into my pocket so hard that I felt like an addict trying to hide meth or something.

"(Y/n)?" I felt like a criminal being caught, whirling around.

"Woah! Woah!" Toby raised his hands, wide eyed.

"(Y/n), what're doing?" He looked scared. 

And I was about to ask what was wrong.

But he was scared, and looking me dead in the eye.

I blinked away my confusion and looked down.

I was in my full armor, the mist of light blue and purple heavy around my feet.

I had my sword pointed at him. Straight at him.

I hadn't even realized.

My heart did flips when I looked at the mirror by Jim's bed, my expression so ready to kill that I scared myself.

I dropped my sword, it evaporating before it hit the floor as I de-transformed.

"I'm so sorry, Tobes..."

My words didn't really mean anything. I knew that. 

Because nothing could excuse me trying to kill my best friend.

"I thought you were --"

"Merlin? Hey, it's...okay. Just no trying to do any more stabbey stabbey, m'kay?" He did a terrible impersonation of me.

He made me laugh, and I nod.

Only Toby could make a situation like this funny.

"Tobey...what are we gonna do?" I whispered, plopping myself on the floor. " annoying as hell. And Jim, I can feel the power draining from him. Our connection draining."

Tobey looked at me with these sad eyes. Not pity filled. Just sad. They matched how I felt. And I liked that.

"I talked to Jim earlier -- he's not doing so good. He's really struggling with this whole -- you know," He paused, sighing, and looked at me with a little smile.

", And I know you are too. Both of you are struggling. I know you guys are used to being strong for everyone, but," He plopped down next to me.

", This time, you guys need some help, and that's okay. That's what we're here for." He, with out clearly mentioning, meant Blinky, Arggggghhhh, and Barbra.

I let out a deep breath, my chest a little less heavy.

"This connection thing, I think it's going to be a hot minute until we find a way to permanently fix it. So, I think it's best for you and Jim to work on your connection as human and -- troll." He finished with a sure nod.

Tobey had always been so smart.

I felt like without him, I'd be so lost.

"Yeah... yeah you're right. I guess, it's just a lot to wrap my head around..." I pause, sucking on my bottom lip in thought. 

"I -- its been a lot you know..." I looked up at Tobey, a bit shy. 

I didn't know why. I guess -- I guess it was weird to finally get what had been weighing on my mind for so long out.

"With the magic, with Gunmar, and -- I actually met --" I started to bite my nails but he pulled my hand away from my trembling lips. "I met the First Destined Partner."

His eyes doubled in size.

"Wow -- what were they like?"

I thought back to the forest. "So...perfect. He was telling me about some -- things that happened in the past. And I just felt like the pressure just grew. Like, how am I supposed to live up to that?"

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