Ch. 5: Waka Chaka! Waka Chaka Who?

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"A trip to the museum? Sounds cool." I comment as I backflip away from Jim who is trying to hit me with his sword, it only being training of course.

"You sound like a nerd." He laughed as he tried to tackle me down but just missed as I rolled under his spread legs swiftly, him looking confused as I knocked him down with a hit of my own sword.

"Yeah, well the nerd just took you down." I laughed as he jumped back up and swung his sword with a smile.

We went back and forth playfully, laughing as our moves became more and more sloppy. 

"You two need to take this more seriously!" Blinky chided as Jim and I took a moment to breathe. "We're just trying to have some fun, Blinky. It's hard to do that when your entire schedule consists of school, homework, and Trollhunter training." I argue, his many eyes hard gaze softening. "You two's destiny is sacred and something that is usually given to older fighters. Everything at the moment is all new so you must bear with me." I  just nodded at him and let my armor fall, wearing a T-shirt and jeans. "Well, Jim let's get to school. Don't wanna be late for our trip." He nodded and gave me my bookbag.

"Here. I'm sure you're hungry." He handed me a medium-sized bag. I opened it to see delicious foods in it. "Thank you so much! Here take some." I handed him half of the bag and we both ate as we walked to school together. It was so simple yet my heart was racing.

As the pretty lady with the bright dress on explained boring things about the museum, Jim talked to Toby in a secretive manner. I was immediately curious about the way Jim's expressions were wild and genuinely surprised, Toby just grinning and laughing.

Jim's P.O.V

Toby pulled me away from (Y/n) which left me annoyed, me and her having a conversation.

"What's up Tobes?" He wiggled his brows and chuckled. "Man, you're blind."

I sighed and shook my head. "What do you mean?" He cleared his throat and gestured towards (Y/n) who was walking with the rest of the class, talking to friends. "You two are literally soulmates." I gawked at him with wide eyes and shook my head. "We're just really good friends Tobes. And soulmates isn't a thing...I don't think?" I thought for a moment as he sighed. "Jim, my dear clueless friend, Trolls are real. And various other creatures we thought were a pure myth. Who says soulmates aren't real? (Y/n) is literally, like by the book, called your destined partner! That screams soulmate to me."

I took in his words and nodded. "I suppose...but don't make our friendship weird, please. Everythings...perfect right now. We're just partners trying to save the world. Simple." My words sounded weird as they rolled off my lips, Toby laughing.

"Deny all you want. But look at her. Like really look at her."

I look towards (Y/n) again, us now all walking into the museum, and stared for a little too long. Her hair was pulled up in a casual hairstyle, some of her soft-looking hair falling out of place. She had on her favorite pair of Converse that went along with her well-fitted jeans, a simple T-shirt that fit her upper body well. Her (E/c) eyes focused on the teacher talking as she gnawed on her bottom lip, making it grow a blush pink.

"Come on Toby, the teacher said we can go explore wherever we like. Let's go with (Y/n)." I walked towards her quickly with a racing mine, Toby smiling at me knowingly from behind as he ran to catch up.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"So, these are the Greek Gods displays, huh? Heard they had a lot of drama." I comment as we pass by a beautiful statue of the Goddess Athena. "Really? That's kind of funny how such higher beings also have problems." He chuckled. "Which one's your favorite?"

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