Ch. 3: Gnome Your Enemy - DON'T BECOME THE GNOME: Part 1

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Blinky had been talking, like usual, but about troll history...I think...?  It had been a long night combined with training AND studying for my Spanish project Jim and I had partnered on.

Blinky had said 'Mayflower?' But I continued to nod off and on as Jim had passed out already, borderline drooling on my shoulder.

Blinky was STILL talking but my eyes were closed, heavy from lack of sleep, and my entire body now going limp against Jim.

We both were then woken up with a start as a book was loudly slammed in front of us.

"¡Lo Siento, Señor Draal! ¡No me mates!" Jim hollered. I was suddenly even more alarmed.

"¡No me mates por favor! ¡Todavía soy muy joven!" I hollered afterwords, covering my face.

"Wow, you and I really need some sleep." Jim let out a yawn as Blinky started chewing us out.

"Gnomes? I thought we only dealt with trolls...?" I questioned, watching as the tiny creature with the vibrant red pointy hat ran around wildly.

"You two must answer every call! So, go ahead." Blinky made a shooing motion at Jim and I. I let out a sigh as Jim started attacking the gnome. I studied how it got him absolutely nowhere as everyone tried to catch the small creature.

"Tobes, can I see half of your Nuget Nummy?" He hesitated but gave me half of his chocolatey bar. "Just enjoy it, okay?" He looked really sad to lose half of his bar. "It's not for me." I chuckle as I walked towards Jim. Jim made a swinging motion to try and hit the gnome again when I topped him mid-swing.

"Shh." I held a finger to my lips as I went and squatted to the floor, Jim following my movements.

"Hey little guy, want some food. It's super good, I swear." I stuck out my hand, us watching as the gnome crept from behind a wall he had been hiding behind, now scurrying to my hand.

"There 'ya go. You're no so b-AHHH!" In moments, the little mouth filled with dagger teeth bit through my hand as if it were butter, taking the Nuget Nummy with him.

"Why you little-" I hissed in pain as Jim gently held my hand with a worried/angry look.

"Listen here you-" But Jim stopped with a look on his face that could only mean bad things.

"He...he took my amulet!" As soon as Jim said these words, I quickly reached for mine to see it was gone.

"Crap...where's that gnome!?" I was now beyond pissed off.

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