Okay, so, you're in a situation. A situation that was 100% going to kill you. Yay! Right? I mean, what're you supposed to do? Just pray that someone saves you?
"Agh!" I rammed into the cage Jim and I had been locked in, my shoulder throbbing from the force I repeatedly put upon it.
Jim was trying to pick the lock, his hands shaking violently from the chilling temperature. He stopped me mid-run, holding onto me to take a break.
"We'll think of something..." Jim sighed into my hair, us shaking against the frosty metal bars.
But, like always, our amulets surprised us --
"Trollhunter! Destined Partner!"
I had to have jumped several feet up as our amulets glowed, smashing into each other forming into one.
"I'm giving you another chance! Unlike me -- you will have a chance!"
My face scrunched together in confusion, my grip on Jim deadly tight as I closed my eyes harshly from the blinding light.
And that was it. The last thing I remembered.
╔ ╗Jim's P.O.V ╚ ╝
Glowy thing. Strange voice. My bed?
I sat up slowly as I looked around my room, startled by the lack of warmth at my side.
"(Y/n)!" I sprung to my feet as I scanned my empty room. Dashing down the stairs, I sprinted outside to my bike to see Toby.
"Toby! What's going on!? Where's (Y/n)?!?" I ran to him, him giving me an off look, shaking his head with a shrug.
"(Y/n) from school? She's most likely heading to class right now like we should be. You didn't make any lunch today?" He peered over my shoulder to look for the missing food.
"What...but she always walks with us..." Tobey laughed and shook his head. "We don't even talk to her much, man, did you get enough sleep last night?"
No, no, no, no, no, no --- I had gone back to square one --
Was this a bad thing --- yes, (Y/n) didn't know me -- the love of my life didn't know me! I could fix this! I had to fix this! But -- I didn't want to fix it as the Trollhunter...It could all be normal!
"Oh -- um yeah. Sorry, it's all good. Let's head to class!"
Our bike ride to school, the bike ride that had us ignore the amulet, was peaceful but still had me slightly scrambled.
Then the sight of (Y/n), the sight of her peaceful smile made me freeze. She dragged her bike to the curb of the school, sighing tiredly as she propped it up to the best of her ability, her tire popped.
I turned and headed to history but her sweet tone caught me off guard as I sat down.
"We're really cutting it close today, huh?" She joked, the bell ringing right after she took a seat next to me.
"You're telling me." Toby and I chuckled, me trying to smile naturally as she innocently stared at the board filled with notes.
Strickler walked in and I bit down every nasty comment I had the power to say -- but he didn't know! He didn't know anything! And -- and I was no longer the Trollhunter! I didn't have to worry!
But, now in Gym class, (Y/n) not walking with Toby and me, I was losing it.
Why was I so nervous? I should just start a conversation, we'd had many conversations! But she didn't know that...she didn't know me...

Jim Lake Jr. x reader || Daylight
FanfictionThe trollhunter's destiny is one of great importance. But what if Jim's destiny includes one more person, one more who was destined to be a hero alongside him. (Y/n) (L/n). ❝For the glory of Merlin, as the Destined Partner of the trollhunter, daylig...