Ch. 14: The Shattered King --- A Realization...

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╔ ╗Jim's P.O.V ╚ ╝

We were looking for the second Triumbric stone, us finding a way to locate it, then find out exactly where we had to go. It would be a semi-long excursion, it being an hour or so to reach it.

I looked to my side to see (Y/n) was dosing off, her hands slightly trembling. She had been drained for the last few days after the fight. The team was also tired, but it wasn't the same. No, they hadn't seen how much pain she had been in. The way she had cried out. The look of terror in her beautiful (E/c) eyes.

I scooted closer to her and motioned for her to rest against me. She smiled at me, it was tired, yes, but still gorgeous.

She rested against my side, me wrapping an arm around her as I covered her with my jacket. 

"I told you, you should've stayed home to rest. Tell my mom you had a cold, she would've given you medicine-or something." She shook her head at me as she held onto my hand.

"It'll all be okay. You'll see. We got this. I can rest after we're done with this, okay?" 

She had no idea. No idea how much her words soothed me. It was like she had just pulled a weight off my chest. And I hated it at this moment because I was supposed to be making her feel better. Not the other way around.

I gave her a nod and felt her relax against me, falling asleep in a matter of moments. God, she had been exhausted. All because of me. And I couldn't help her. I couldn't stop it. 


"So they have the Stone?" I questioned Toby, him nodding. "And they think you're their kind?" He nodded again.

We had stopped in a marshland environment. The species of trolls here not being violent, but not easy to get along with either.

"Because why not." (Y/n) joked. She was trying so hard to act normal, but the bags under her eyes gave her away as she folded her arms across her chest. As if that'd help hide how much she was hurting.

"Well, as their 'king', can't you just ask for it?"

 Toby shrugged at me, (Y/n) looking deep in thought.

"Okay, they think you're their king but you have to make them believe that. They might be questioning you, not fully trusting you. And our company doesn't help." (Y/n) shrugged at her words, looking at us for approval.

Toby and I nodded. "That'd make sense. So, gain their trust and we're golden."


We had been there for hours. I'm positive we had wasted away the day trying to have these trolls like us. But there was no fighting, and we had gotten the Second Stone, now safely at home.

That was the best way I could've put it. Made it sound short and sweet. But in reality, it wasn't our most thought-out plan and the longer we stayed was longer (Y/n) couldn't rest.

"Let's get you to bed." I grunt as I carried (Y/n) up the stairs, letting her take up my bed.

"Stay?" She held onto my hand as I turned to go. I kissed her fist and nodded. "I'll be right back.

I made my way downstairs to say goodnight to my mom, her sipping a cup of tea.

"Jim? I have a question." Something about that simple sentence made me walk with better posture, alarmed at what she might ask. "Y-yeah?" I smiled at her as she laughed softly.

"You and (Y/n). You're not just friends, are you?" Her face told me she already knew, but she wanted to hear me say it, tell her like a good son would...something I had been terrible at the last several months.

"No...we're together." I nod as I sit by her, her nodding with me.

"Yeah, that girl doesn't look at you like a friend would..." Her tone, she almost sounded upset.

 No, she was upset.

"I know I should've told you...there's just a lot going on and-"

"What Jim? What exactly has been going on that keeps you from telling me important things like this? Please explain! Is she your first love? Or-" No mom, she's my love now and will forever be my love. The only one. Forever. "Yes, mom. I love her." Her face filled with shock, setting her mug down as she looked away with a pained expression. "A lot of things are going's hard to say... I'm just figuring some stuff out. day I'll be able to explain it all to you."

She glared at me. She was furious. She had every right to be. But my mother had never been so angry at me, ever.

I wanted to apologize a thousand times. Explain why I was always late, always avoiding questions, never open like I used to be.

No. I couldn't tell her because I wanted her to stay safe. Not involved in any of my mess.

I quietly walked back up to my room and smiled to myself as (Y/n)'s soft breathing and relaxed face came into view.

"Everything's going to be okay. It'll all work out." I tried to convince myself like she always did. But it wasn't the same.


(Y/n) had finally gotten back to her regular self, fully rested and full of energy. And with the Spring Fling coming up, she was even giddier than usual, she and her friends talking about dresses and hairstyles non-stop.

I loved seeing her like this. Back to being herself. Back to being (Y/n). My (Y/n).

"Yeah, Jacob asked me to the dance! It's so exciting!" Her friend giggled.

That was most of their conversation for the day. That was until a guy named Zander came into the picture.

"So, would you please go to the Spring Fling with me?" His words made me freeze, feeling a tightening in my chest as I watched from afar, looking at (Y/n) for her reaction.

He had asked her. So nonchalantly. Like it was no big deal. But he looked nervous, he was nervous, he liked her. The idiot liked her! He was trying to take her. Take her away from me-

"I already have a date. I'm sorry." She gave him a smile and waved goodbye, walking towards me with her books neatly stacked in her arms.

I stopped panicking as she stood by my side.

And something told me that wouldn't be the last time a guy would notice her. But at that moment it didn't matter. She planted a kiss on my cheek as we headed to class, and as I looked down at her calming smile, I thought of what I had said to my mother.

I loved her.

I just needed to figure out how I would tell her...

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