I slid my hood on, shivering as I sprinted through the woods of Arcadia, the late night not offering much light to see. I tripped over a root, hissing as I scraped my hands, jumping back up to find I had made it to Jim's backyard, finally.
I had gone out on a run, something I usually -- never -- did, but I had so much built-up anxiety it seemed like the best choice.
For a moment, for a hot moment, I genuinely thought Merlin would be the answer to all of our problems. He was this legend, this legend at magic, something I had purely wanted to explore because I had so many questions for him. About Morgana, about how my abilities worked, how everything was going to work and how we'd fix everything.
But no, the selfish bastard was only here for one thing. To kill Morgana, to help his own ego for losing the last time they fought.
I was still huffing, well more like wheezing, as I continued to catch my breath, my teeth chattering as I didn't dare go inside yet.
Jim had been passed out when I had left, and at the state, I was in, I was sure to wake him up.
And, with everything going on, you'd think that's the only thing on my mind.
Well, I had thought the same thing.
Until I had gone on that stupid run.
I rubbed my eyes tiredly as I thought back to what happened, looking at the woods with a heavy heart.
All I remembered was...I was angry. I was so so angry. And for once, I felt as if it was justified. I had every right to be angry! With life, with my circumstances, I allowed myself to be angry.
And I screamed it out.
I let out all my voice could, tears falling, my throat raw from my pure rage.
And I truly felt better. I allowed myself to take in a shaky breath before opening my eyes and my weak smile had disappeared.
I was deep in the forest, so, I was -- had been -- surrounded by hundreds of trees.
And now, there was a catastrophic path of bare wood, trees torn and snapped in half, great oak trees had fallen over as measly toothpicks...
I snapped myself away from my thoughts, looking up to see Merlin standing right in front of me.
"What do you want?" I gritted through my tense jaw.
"That was quite a show you put out there."
I felt my remaining warmth from my body drain away from me, my frown dropping into a tired gawking expression.
"Yes, well, as I said before, I can foresee the future, darling. And you make quite the splash in these coming years. So much so that it was brought to my attention hundreds of years ago." Merlin held his hands behind his back, and even if I loathed his guts, I took all his wisdom of what it had to offer.
"I," I pressed my palms against my jeans distressingly. "I didn't know that would happen," I confessed, watching his serious face morph into laughter.
"Of course, you didn't dear. You are young, you are far too young in my opinion to be holding the power that you do," He stopped his laughing fit and sighed.
"When I envisioned the Destined Partner, it wasn't a love-sick teenage girl, I assure you that much."
I scoffed, rubbing my hands together to stop the cold that made them numb. "I think Jim and I are far past that,"
"What? So, you no longer love him?" I closed my eyes, lacking the patience for this man.
I wondered if instead of killing Morgana and Gunmar, I could kill Merlin.

Jim Lake Jr. x reader || Daylight
FanficThe trollhunter's destiny is one of great importance. But what if Jim's destiny includes one more person, one more who was destined to be a hero alongside him. (Y/n) (L/n). ❝For the glory of Merlin, as the Destined Partner of the trollhunter, daylig...