13: Salsa dancing and high heels

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I open my closet looking for a good pair of heels I can use for today

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I open my closet looking for a good pair of heels I can use for today. Miles is on his way to my house to teach me how to salsa and he forgot to mention that I needed heels. I have only two days to learn how to properly execute the steps since he wants me to dance with him at his family's party.

He thinks I'll do it, but I only agreed to make him shut up. There's no way I'm going to embarrass myself in front of everyone there. I'm sure everyone in his family is an amazing dancer. At least that's what Miles says.

I end up picking a pair of heels that I used for homecoming two years ago. A green bottom-up shirt sits as my top with a knot to make it shorter. The tall height of the heels compliments my long legs perfectly and the short jean skirt.

Cute and stylish. Perfect.

I open the door revealing my fake boyfriend. "Miles." 'Happy thoughts' is the first thing I notice. It's written in dark blue on the top of his white t-shirt accompanied by a pair of jeans. His brown hair is tossed randomly making him look put together with a more casual look.

"Hermosa. Looking nice today. Did you shower?" He leans against the wall looking stupidly smug. "You look clean." His smile adorns his face. I want to slap it off. Remember when I said I'd slap him one day, I think today is it.


"No." He takes a step forward and with the height of these heels, I'm only an inch or two shorter than him. "I'm just joking. You look lovely. Are you ready to salsa with me?"

"I don't have much of a choice, do I?"

"No choice at all. By the end of today, you are going to love Marc Anthony." There were only so many hours of the day left since we had already gone to school, cheerleading practice, and studied a bit.

"Good for me." I hold up my two thumbs and smile at him as I feel the gentle pain in my eyes. The type of pain you feel when you start to roll your eyes too much.

Miles moved around a two tabled in the living room to create space for us while I looked for so water bottles and chips. Maggy had made some cookies earlier, but they were still cooling off.

"Have you ever seen people dance salsa before?" Miles asked as I sat next to him on the couch.

I shook my head. He took out his phone and opened youtube searching for a video. I scooted over a bit so I could see his phone better. His foresty smell filling all my senses. My smelling since I could identify almost everything his perfume consisted of. Wood, leaves, and foggy air. My eyes since they were traveling all over his body looking for the splashes perfume sometimes leave. My mouth since a part of me wanted-

The sound of music pulls me out of the black hole I was starting to enter. Miles is like a black hole. If you're not careful enough you'll get sucked into him and there's no way out.

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