19: Lots of spitting and truths

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I walk Miles to the door and wait until he drives off so I can close the front door

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I walk Miles to the door and wait until he drives off so I can close the front door. We just kissed. He just kissed me. I kissed him again. What? Did we really just kiss? Was that like a tiny peck or just- God, I can't think about it right now. I can't think about the fact that I had Miles's lips on my own. That his skin touched mine in the most intimate way. I can't explain the way his kiss made me feel. Like I was going to explode. Every atom, every cell in my body ignited and I burst.

I can't explain how good it feels knowing that he wants to kiss me. That the feeling is mutual. My baby butterflies have now grown into big beautiful ones. They all have different colors. Blue, red, green, pink. It's just like a pretty sunset with different colors as time moves by.

"Diana, I can't believe you're still dating that boy. Where is your self-respect?" Mother tells me as she meets me by the door.

"What do you mean?"

"Diana he comes from a poor family. Look around you, you can't associate with them." I look at her in shock. From all the horrible qualities y mom has I didn't expect her to think she's better than others. To degrade others based on their 'income'.

"And with whom should I associate? Jason?"

She smiles. Mother actually smiles and nods. I see it happen. How her lips stretch out and curve. How her cheeks flush with pride. "Yes, dear."

"You know, the day Miles and I made our relationship public Jason grabbed my hands so hard he left marks for a few days? I'm glad he went with Alyssa instead." That was the day everything started happening. I love that day. I wonder if Miles and I would have crossed paths if I were still with Jason.

Fake boyfriend... every time I say it, it sounds less true. He and I are anything but fake. It's taken me so long to realize it.

"That's too bad Diana, besides he probably didn't mean it. Go change into something elegant, I invited him and Nia for dinner."

"Mot-" I can't believe her

"Go change." She cuts me off mid-sentence. I do as I'm told and head to my room. I take a quick shower a few minutes after Nia tells me she's coming over. The door to my bathroom leads to my room and as I open it, Nia sits on my bed reading over a magazine.

"Hey, pretty girl." I admire her. Her curls looking extra vibrant today. The dark green dress goes perfectly with her skin tone. The dress holds a cut in the middle almost exposing her breast. One wrong move and they'll pop from their hiding space. "Girl, you look so cute." I tell her.

"Right? I feel extra hot today." She whips her hair back and grins at me, pearly teeth and all.

"As you should." I head over to my closet to try and pick something out. I hold my towel close to my body as I rummage through my clothes.

"Pick that one." Nia points to a purple sundress with white flowers. "So how's Miles?" Nia winks at me. I pause for a moment and hold the tension.

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