21: A big son of a liar

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I'm not sure who I hate more right now

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I'm not sure who I hate more right now. I might just have to do a list. Jason would be top right now. He's a little bitch. A big bitch. A- what's the word Miles uses? a cabron. He edited the video. Worse, he tapped me and Nia talking about Miles and my relationship. That's an invasion of privacy. And then he has the audacity to tell me that he almost got Alyssa pregnant and that he wants me back? That's messed up. I'm boiling. I can actually feel vapor forming against the walls. The thickness sending a wave of tension between me and everything else. I want to kick something or slap something or throw something.

I stop in my tracks. I can't just hit something whenever I'm mad.

I need to breathe and calm down.

Next would be mother. She isn't here today. She isn't here when I need her the most. For once I want someone to take care of me. I want her to sit down with me and tell me what to do. I want her to hug me and tell me everything is going to be okay.

I want my mom, not my mother. Mother is the woman who has left me with Maggy all those years. I love Maggy but I want a mom. My mom. And father. I want a dad. But I don't. He's always been stuck in his office. He barely talks to me.

I'm mad at Miles too. He gave me the silent treatment instead of talking to me. He probably hates me and it's all Jasons fault. That tall blond ugly ass football player ex-boyfriend videotaping son of a big fat liar who bends the law to his liking.

I really need to breathe.

I'm mad at myself also. I'm mad because I haven't been honest with Miles. I should have told him when I started noticing my feelings for him. I should have told him when I wanted to be real. I should have told him when I started to realize I was falling for him.

I should have spoken up when the colors from the sunset started to turn black. When the sun allowed the night to come. When I allowed myself to feel the things I did for him.

I slam the door to my car shut and jump a little as I hear the impact. I'm going to his house. I, Diana Lewis, am a girl on a mission.

You can call it: Mission Miles.

The short drive takes forever. I hear Katy Perry's soft words tune from the radio. I used to be a major fan, but suddenly new artist emerged and I forgot about her music.

In another life

I would make you stay

So I don't have to say

You were the one that got away

The one that got away

I change the station. I don't need to hear this right now. I'm not going to lose him. But what if he doesn't believe me? What if I lose him forever. What if this turns out like those sappy movies that people always cry to.

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