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Two years later

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Two years later

"You little pendejo." I try and shield my face as my brother, Miles, hits me with a pillow. I haven't seen him in two months since he went back to college with his girlfriend Diana and this is how he greets me. I mean, I'm not going to blame him, I'd do the same, but still.

He looks the same, brown hair showcasing his pretty-boy smile. If it weren't for our different hair colors, you'd think we were twins. As I grew, I started looking more and more like Miles. Obviously, I'm ten times better looking, but you get it.

"Buenos dias Alex-Alex." I groan. He knows how much I hate that stupid nickname. Ever since some random guy at my school called me Alex two years ago, Miles nor Clarissa have let me live it down.

"Leave me alone." It's probably ten am, and I don't want to get up. I'd usually be up and awake by six in the morning, but yesterday I fell asleep late reading some fantasy book I found at the bookstore.

"Come on man. I finally get to see you and you're sleeping. Clarissa is outside waiting for you. Mom's there and Diana. We all came to celebrate." It's Clarissa's birthday. She's turning sixteen. After last year's extravagant quinceanero I didn't think she want to celebrate her sixteen, but here we are.

"Give me a few minutes. I'll be out soon." Miles leaves my room. I walk to the bathroom. My black hair is facing everywhere. The bags in the bottom of my eyes make me look like a zombie. I'm never staying up to finish a book.

I do my things before heading, grabbing a random t-shirt from the floor. I'm not sure if it's Miles or mine, but it fits me so I use it.

"Good morning," I say as I walk into the kitchen. As Miles said, all of them are there. I walk up to Clarissa and smack her shoulder before telling her happy birthday and hugging her. It's a good balance.

"Coffee?" Diana asks holding up a mug. Diana and Miles have been dating since they were seniors a few years back. Turns out they were fake dating to make Diana's mom made, but in the process, they fell in love. It sounds like a totally fucked up book, but it worked for them, right?

I, personally, have always liked her. She's got the pretty quiet girl look, but once you get to know her, she isn't all that shy. She knows how to deal with Miles in a way I've never seen anyone do. They both balance each other well. When they graduated, they moved to Geogia State University which is a few hours away from where we live, but it's hard for them to make time to visit.

"So Clarissa, what's the plan for today?" I ask as I take a sip of the sour black coffee. I refuse to drink coffee with milk. It takes away the whole meaning behind real coffee.

"We go to Lidia's, eat all the junk food we can get, and just hang out I guess. I don't have any plans really."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Miles adds. His head lays on top of Diana's. Sometimes it's nauseating how in love they are. Miles is always touching her in some form. Whether that be simply brushing her hair, holding her pinky, or laying his head on hers.

"Alright, let's go then," Mami says.

We walk out. The air is still pretty hot since its mid-august, but soon we'll be freezing so I enjoy whatever reminds me of Puerto Rico. Karla stands in her front yard watering her plants. Her stupid red hair in a high ponytail.

Karla and I go way back. We used to be friends, but when she- Karla is the reason I had to give myself a rule. Your friends will probably stab you in the back so don't make any. She's the reason I can't trust anyone. She betrayed me in the worst way possible, and for that, I will never forgive her.

"Alejandro." Diana walks next to me. "I almost forgot. I saw this book at Target and thought of you. Here." She hands me a pretty thick book. The cover page has a sword placed in the middle of a heart. The truth behind. Cool title.

"Thanks, D. I'll let you know how I like it."

Lidia's place isn't so packed so we don't have to wait so much for our order to come. Lidia has been like a grandmother to all of us. Every time she sees Miles and Diana she jokes about air washing, something only they understand. I think Miles had mentioned it once to me, but I had forgotten. We all sing happy birthday to Clarissa and remind her not to kill us when mom offers her the keys to drive.

The only reason I hate Clarissa's birthday is that it means that I usually start school the next day. I know what you're thinking, I should be excited about starting my senior year. But I'm not. To me, it just means I'm one year closer to moving to college so I can start my life.

Clarissa drops me off at the bookstore. Even after the book, Diana got me, I still have to make a restoke on my bookshelf.

"That's a good book." A deep voice says behind me. I know that voice. Carajo. 

new book? maybe

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new book? maybe. probably. 90% chance of getting a book for alejandro. I have a great storyline for him and his book is pretty outlined. I'm thinking maybe december? we'll see. 

But really the epilogue? I can't believe its over. I actually want to cry. Thank you so much for all the votes, comments, and just following along. Make sure to follow me to see future works of mine! If you like the Fake Boyfriend share it with your friends! 

Just in case, I have a novella called The summer of 21! It's a cute young adult romance. I also have a paranormal young adult short story so make sure to check it out. 

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