14: who did this to you?

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I spend the whole day replaying yesterday's events in my head

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I spend the whole day replaying yesterday's events in my head. Even when I know I need to be paying attention to my teachers, all I can do is daydream about Diana's soft skin against my own. How nice it felt feeling our bodies' vibrations as we laughed. I don't even remember what we were laughing about. The great part about this whole situation is that I get to do it again with her today.

Wait no that sounded round. I get to teach her how to salsa dance, again.

I know teaching her how to properly dance salsa in two days was a bit too much. But like I always say: Marc Anthony's spirit was with me. Besides, I'm an amazing teacher. As Shakira said, my hips don't lie. Diana really isn't that bad at dancing. It's the turn section that makes her stiff and loses control. All she needs is to trust that I won't let her fall.

At least not like yesterday.

I told Lidia I couldn't make it today. She was a bit mad at first, but that only lasted until I told her the real reason why I was missing work. What can I say, she's a hopeless romantic. I invited her to the gathering tomorrow, but she said she didn't want to intrude. I don't understand when Lidia will understand that we all consider her part of the family. She's always welcomed at our house.

I unlock my locker placing some books inside and grabbing my chemistry one. I have a pretty big test next week that I want to study for during the weekend.

"Mexican boy." Fuck my life. I turn my head over to see Jason walking towards me. His blond hair is parted in the middle with too much hair gel. His letterman jacket fully displaying the captaincy batch and his number. Thankfully he's alone, but still, I'm annoyed that he's walking towards me. Not many people are around since it's three-thirty. Hell, I wouldn't be around if Alejandro had told me he had decided to skip his last two periods.

Little pendejo. I'm supposed to randomly know that he isn't at school? Like the good older brother I am, I waited for him thinking he was still here.

"Gringo." I say back. I'm definitely going to die today. That's why I have a sudden burst of confidence, I think to myself.

"You little bitch." he slaps, my chemistry book from my hands and all I want to do is laugh because he looks so stupid trying to act all alpha male. However, I bite my tongue cause I don't want to cause any more issues.

In my house violence was never allowed. Mami would always communicate with us. She would sit us down and talk to us about the right and wrongs. What to do and what not to do. Same with papi. Violence was frowned upon. Words were looked up to.

"Yep. That's me." I say.

"How's Diana? I assume she hasn't put out since you're still with her?"

"What she and I do is none of your business."

"Alright. If she's anything like Alyssa, she'll like it rough. Very rough." I scratch my neck and feel my nails stick into my skin leaving a mark. I didn't need to hear that. I don't need to know what Alyssa and he do.

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