Voulme 5 Chapter 12 The "Deal"

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F/n: "Who are you"

Aurora: "I'm Aurora

You examine the woman who call's herself Aurora she's wearing a pink flowery kimono your eyes get caught on something else as your looking at her

Aurora: "my eyes are up here kid". you cough

F/n: "S-Sorry ma'am, excuse me but you don't look like a demon at all

Aurora: " you're not the first one who's told me that"

You look around you to see time has stopped Aurora walks to Ruby and kneels next to her

F/n: "did you do this?" She giggles

Aurora:  "Oh no I'm not that strong sweetheart this is just what your mind saw before you passed out So while I'm talking to you the battle is still going on"

F/n: "Then I need to get back there please tell me how do I wake up"

Aurora: "your only getting out of here when I tell you, you can"

F/n: "Listen lady I'm not in the mood so either you tell me how to get out of here or I'll force it out of you"

She smirks at you and holds her arms open giving you a free shot you lift up your right hand and shoot a light beam out of it after you shot it smoke comes out after the smoke clears she's gone

Aurora: "did you really try to use my own power against me"

You turn around but it's too late she tackles you putting one of your arms around your back she leans in closer to your ear as you feel her breast against your back

Aurora: "I don't want to fight I just want to talk"

F/n: "Whatever you selling I don't want it"

You shoot off a light burst from you hand causing her to fly off of you you get up and see her dusting her self off

Aurora: "Now was that really necessary?"

You smirk and do the move your uncle taught you a few days ago you run at her with your hand pointing straight and aimed right for her heart she smiles and jumps on your arm and pushes it into the ground she steps on your back and flips off of it

Aurora: "Now let's talk because you clearly can't land a hit on me"

You pull your arm out of the ground you sigh and sit down she sits down in front of you with her legs crossed she holds out her hand for you to take it, you grab her hand and shake it

Aurora: "Now that we are back on the right foot I want to make a deal with you"

F/n: "Like I said before I don't want what ever your selling." She laughs and hands you a pen "what is this?"

Aurora: "A pen"

F/n: "I know that much"

You look closer at the pen to see your mothers name carved into it, your eyes widen as you look at it

Aurora: "That's your mother's"

F/n: "How do you have this, Why do you have this"

Aurora: "Because if it wasn't for that bitch I wouldn't be in here so I kept it to remind me that I needed to kill her when I got out of here but it seems I won't need to"

F/n: " What did you say!" You lunge at Aurora but she catches you and pats your head

Aurora: "So cute"

She leans into you and gets closer to your lips you push her off of you

F/n: "don't even think about it."

Aurora: "Hmph your no fun." She crosses her arms and looks at you with a pouty face. "Anyway back to what I was saying I want to make a deal"

F/n: "and what is this "Deal""

Aurora: "Simple you let me out" she walks closer to you and turns you around " and I'll help you with that" she points at your uncle with tentacles come out of his back looking down on Asher as he's attacking him

F/n: "Uncle, what have you become"

Aurora: "So do we have a Deal because deep down you know you can't defeat him alone" she holds out her hand with blue flams surrounding it

F/n: "How can I trust you"

Aurora: "sweetheart If I wanted you dead I would have done it already" 

Author: "she has a point you know"

F/n: "Who the hell are you"

Author: "Don't worry about it" he disappears

You look back at Aurora who's smiling and holding out her hand, you hesitated at first but you take her hand the blue flames surrounding her hand go to yours now

F/n: "just for a little bit ok and your coming right back"

Aurora: "Oh sweetie I don't think so"

F/n: "W-What"

You feel your soul getting torn out of your body as her soul goes into your body you are now just a floating soul

F/n " W-What did you do"

Aurora: "I'm taking control from here on out"

She turns around and opens a portal you try to rush out of it but your to late as the portal closes

F/n: "Damnit!!" You slam your fist on the ground

Author: "Should have read the fine print"

F/n: "seriously who are you"

Author: " I don't even know"

Ashers POV

Don: "Your fast but not fast enough"

I keep dogging his attacks but I can't keep this form up forever he plunges his tentacles into the ground I grab one of them and flip him over I turn around to see a chunk of a broken pillar thrown at me I see Don get up

Don: "Your getting weaker I'm guessing you can't hold that form for long before passing out"

Asher: "You would be correct"

Don: "so why not rap this up"

Asher: "took the words right out of my mou-"

He cuts me off by firing sludge at me I slide out of the way, the sludge exploded as it hits the ground I blitz into the air and punch him down into the ground leaving a human sized hole in the ground I  slowly begin to fall down as my ultra instinct begins to fade, I fall to my knees Senketsu falls to the side

Senketsu: "do you always have to go overboard"

Asher: "Heh sorry"

Senketsu: "is he you know"

Asher: "I hope so"

Senketsu: "good because I'm tried and hungry"

I chuckle at Senketsu before a tentacle gets wrapped around my throat and lifts me up

Don: "do you think you could kill me, YOU!" I don't have enough strength to break out of his grasp,

I begin to black out but I see a yellow line appear on the tentacle and before I knew the tentacle was cut in half and I'm now on the ground I look at where the attack came from. It's F/n except it doesn't seem like him

Aroura: "Mind if I join in on the fun"

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