Volume 6 Chapter 4 So Thats How It Is

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( I made a promise to you guys that we would finish this before volume 9 and I plan to keep it that way so let's begin)


Yang: "Salem can't be killed... you all heard her too right?"

Everyone is looking down at Ozpin while he's on his knees.

Ozpin: "I-"

Yang: "There was so much you hadn't told us! How could you think this was okay?"

Ruby: "Professor"

You look at Ruby with concern

Ruby: "What is your plan to defeat Salem?"

Ozpin: "I... Don't have one"

Ozpin looks down shamefully you start to walk up to you but you here screaming, you turn around to see Qrow running up, He then punches Ozpin in the face sending him flying into a tree.

F/n: "Qrow!"

Qrow walks up to Ozpin who is laying his back up against a tree

Qrow: "No one wanted me, I was cursed. I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world. I thought I was finally doing some good."

Ozpin: "But, you are"

Qrow: "Meeting you, was the worst luck of my life"

Ozpin's eyes widen he slowly moves his head down

Ozpin: "Maybe your right"

You look down, then here Oscars voice again and he holds his cheek in pain

Ruby: "What happened?"

Oscar: "He's gone"

Yang: "That BASTERD! Tell him we're not done yet!"

Oscar: "No! This is different, He's gone it's like he locked him self deep inside my head, Our head? *Grunts* I hate this I want it to stop!"

Weiss "he just left us?"

Blake: "what are we gonna do now?"

Maria: "Enough! We need to get a move on it'll be dark before we know it and every one of you is spewing negativity"

Maria holds out her cane Oscar grabs onto it and helps him self up

Maria: "there's a trail over there, trails usually lead somewhere"

Yang: "Lady I don't know who you think you are but-"

Maria: "No buts! I under stand that your upset honestly I'm still coming to terms with the fact that this is humanities second time around. But, if we don't move, we die and I'll be damned this if I lived this long just to die out here in the cold!

Ruby: "she right"

Asher: "Yeah the longer we stay out here the more our auras will drop do to this damn cold now let's go"

You walk over toward the train crash to continue searching for anything your missing

Asher: "are you ok"

F/n: "Do I look ok"

Asher: "No in fact you look like someone who just fell out of a train and just found out someone who you promised to kill can't be killed and then found out that the demon inside of you is actually a descendent of a god"

F/n: "Huh pretty spot on"

Asher: "come on we need to move"

You turn around to Asher handing you your mothers journal you take your journal and begin walking until you accidentally kicked something. Turning around to see that you kicked on of Ruby's Magazine's you picked up her mag and put it in your satchel Everyone begins leaving the area of the train. Crash and follow the trail Maria told you about.

Rwby : Ruby x Male Reader, The X-FACTOR Where stories live. Discover now