Volume 4 chapter 8 A Much Needed Talk

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( ok so sorry this took awhile but I managed to finish it anyway play the song when ever you like and let's get started)

Ruby's POV.

It's a silent night In the forest we patched Qrow up from getting hurt by a scorpion faunes named Tyrian after the fight we made our way to to a clear spot in the forest and decided to set up camp uncle Qrow has told us what about maidens and everything else

Qrow: "really no question"

Jaune: "of course we have questions this is just... a lot to take in."

Qrow: "sure of course"

Ruby: "so these maidens they're powerful fighters that don't need dust to use magic"

Qrow: "yeah"

Nora: "and there are for of them?"

Qrow: "yep always"

Ren: "witch means that, whenever one of them dies the power transfers to someone - a female - that they care about?"

Qrow: "who ever was in their thoughts last important distinction best options it's some one we can trust regardless their souls become combined in a way"

Jaune: "and that's what you were trying to do to Pyrrha the night the tower fell. You were trying to turn her into one of them"

Qrow: "the previous fall maiden Amber had been attacked she was young inexperienced and her assailant who we now know as Cinder. Somehow managed to steal some of her power, but not all of it we were afraid that if we didn't do something the rest would go to her as well"

Jaune: "so you forced it on Pyrrha"

Qrow: "we didn't force anything. We explained the situation and gave her a choice and she chose you were there, you heard her"

I look at Jaune who seems mad so he then turns around from the log and walks off into the forest

Ruby: "that guy Tyrian, why was he after me?"

Qrow: *sighs* "well you definitely painted a target on your back with what you did at beacon, I told you having silver eyes is a rare trait, and the fact that you're some one who was able to use them seems to have upset some very powerful people not many people know about the silver eyes, but those that do aren't very happy that one has surfaced, that's why I've been keeping an Eye on you in order to make sure you where safe, all of you. Uncle Qrow looks at Jaune"

Ruby: "well then why not just travel with us it seems like that would have been much easier"

Jaune: "he was using you as bait"

Qrow: "look I wouldn't put it like that it's... complicated"

Jaune: "What is all of this Ruby's being hunted the schools are being attacked all for what? What is the point of all of this will you just tell us what's going on"

Qrow: "would you sit down your stressing me out kid" Jaune sits down I look down at the floor of the forest to see a beetle crawling on a stick

Qrow: lnot many people are super religious these days this worlds been around for a long time long enough that people have created dozens of gods but if you believe Ozpin, two of them are actually real they were brothers the older sibling the god of light found joy in creating forces of life, meanwhile the younger brother the god of darkness spent his time creating forces of destruction as you can imagine, they both had different ideas about how things should go, the other one would spend days his days creating water, plants, wildlife, and at night his brother would wake to see all the things that the elder had made and become disgusted, to counterattack his brothers creations the god of darkness brought drought, fire, Famine, all that he could do to rid remnant of life. But life always returned so one night the younger brother went and made something, something that shared his innate desire to destroy anything and everything"

Ruby: "the creatures of Grimm"

Qrow: "you guessed it, the older brother had finally had enough knowing that there feud couldn't last like this forever he proposed that they make one final creation together something that they both could be proud of, their master pice younger brother agreed... this last great creation would be given the power to both create and destroy it would be a gift of knowledge so that it could learn about itself and the world around it and most importantly it would be given the power to choose, to have free will to take everything it had learned and decide which path to follow, the path of light or the path of darkness and that is how humanity came to be"

Ren: "well... what dose that have to do with us"

Qrow: "well... there's the kicker see the four gifts to mankind, knowledge, creation, destruction and choice aren't just a metaphorical each of them exists in a physical form left behind by the god before they abandoned remnant and each of them is extraordinarily powerful if someone where to collect all four they'd be able to change the world that's exactly what the enemy wants the huntsman academy's were created to train generations of humanity's protectors but they also served another purpose guarding the relics when ozpins predecessors founded the schools he built them around the relics to act as a fortress not only would they be easier to defend but they would be constantly surrounded by trained warriors the hope was that hiding the relics would keep mankind from using them against itself, and of course keeping them out of her reach, so yeah there's that"

Ruby: "her, you mean Salem?"

Qrow: "that's right. Not much is known about her and quite frankly, that's not what matters. What matters is that she wants the relics and if she gets them, it's not going to end well"


You wake up inside a closet you try to remember a dream you had you think it was about Ruby talking to Qrow Jaune Ren and Nora you try to go back to sleep but then you blasted with sun light as Weiss opens the closet

Weiss: "come on it's time to train"

F/n: "do we have too"

Weiss: "yes now let's go"

You get up and walk to the training yard with Weiss you then get into position and draw your sword on Weiss as she draws hers on yours you both run at each other and clash swords

(There you go sorry this took like 15 years but hey I'm back and I'll try to get more out soon also check out Atomic0806 he has a new cover picture and more drawings to come anyway I'll see you all soon and as always stay frosty

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