Volume 3 chapter 7 pvp

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( ok who's ready for another chapter and the reason I'm posting them much earlier is because I want to at least get to volume 6 before volume 7 comes out and play song when you want anyway let's start shall we)

You sit there watching Pyrrha and penny about to fight and hoping that Ruby's ok

Obleck: fighters are you ready

The crowd starts to cheer you get up from your seat to get a closer look at penny and Pyrrha penny and Pyrrha both nod to know that they are ready

Obleck: 3 2 1 Begin

Penny starts to swirl her swords around you think to your self "that with Pyrrha's semblance she can win this easy" penny then shoots her swords at Pyrrha she doges them by blocking one and vaulting over it the swords then turn back around and almost hit Pyrrha but she transforms her weapon into her spear form and starts to fight penny but she blocks Pyrrha's attacks by spinning her swords Pyrrha then gets knocked back but gets back on her feet by doing a backflip

Port: my word what a tremendous display by miss Polendina

You cross your fingers that nothing bad would happen Penny then shoots one sword at her but Pyrrha jumps on it and launches her self at penny and try's to hit penny but penny blocked it you then see then clashing weapons over and over until penny transforms her swords is lasers she shots Pyrrha but missed Pyrrha then hits penny witch caused her to go flying back but she comes back and kicks Pyrrha while Pyrrha then gets disarmed she try's to bring her weapon back but it gets knocked out of her hand again penny then looks like she's about to throw all her swords at Pyrrha but Pyrrha starts to tremble penny then shoots her swords at Pyrrha but Pyrrha shoots it back with her semblance but the swords start to wrap around penny's arm and chest penny then gets RIPPED IN HALF you get up from your seat shocked you then see emerald get up and walk away you then run to the other side of the arena but you stop to here a voice

Intercom: this is not a tragedy this was not an accident this is what happens when you hand over your trust your safety your children to men who claim to be our guardians but in reality nothing more then men our Academy's headmaster's wield more power than most armies and one was audacious enough to control both they cling to this power in the name of peace and yet what do we have here? ones nations attempt at a synthetic army mercilessly torn apart by another star pupil what need would atlas have for a soldier disguised as an innocent little girl? I Don't think the Grimm can tell the difference and what I ask you is Ozpin teaching his students? First a dismemberment now this huntsmen and huntresses should carry them selves with honor and mercy yet I have witnessed nether perhaps Ozpin as though defeating atlas in the tournament would help people forget his colossal failure to protect vale when the Grimm invade its streets or perhaps this was the message to the tyrannical dictator that has occupied an unsuspecting kingdom with armed forces honestly? I haven't the slightest clue as to who is right and who is wrong but I know that the existence of peace is fragile and the leaders of our kingdoms conduct their business with iron gloves as someone who hails from mistral I can assure you the situation there is equally undesirable our kingdoms are at the brink or war yet we the citizens are left in the dark so I ask you when the first shots are fired who do you think you can trust ( finally that's over )

You clinch your fist as the sirens go off

Emergency announcer: alert incoming Grimm attack threat level nine please seek shelter in a calm and orderly fashion

Ironwood: ladies and gentlemen please! There is no need for panic

You look up to see a nevermore

F/n: spoke to soon jimmy

You run to sun

Sun: a nevermore

Coco: How'd it get past the kingdoms defenses

Ren: it wasn't alone

You try to call ruby but she doesn't answer


Ren: calm down well find her

Robotic announcer: warning safety barrier failing

Jaune: Pyrrha! Pyrrha that things going on break in you've gotta move

Jaune vaults over the railing

F/n and Nora: JAUNE

Jaune keeps running to Pyrrha

Jaune: Pyrrha please snap out of it

The nevermore breaks in and jaune and Pyrrha get knocked back from the nevermores landing and as the nevermore is about to attack Pyrrha Ruby knocks it back by flying into it with one of penny's swords

Pyrrha: Ruby?

Ruby: Leave her alone!

The nevermore screeches and takes off flying and as it's about to make another attempt to attack it gets in paled with lockers ( I know sounds weird ) then all the lockers open revealing every ones weapons you pull out mysterious and clean off the blade and you put it on your shoulder then the nevermore starts to move Ren slashes it's face you and Nora slide up Nora hits it's head with her hammer as you hit it with your fist glowing then yatsuhshi and suns teammate chop its head off

Pyrrha: ruby I I am so sorry

Ruby: me to but is wasn't your fault

Jaune: she's right the person on the mic there the ones who did this and we have to make sure they don't do it to anyone else

Out of nowhere griffons fly up onto the scaffolding

Ren: griffons

Neptune: anyone got a plan of attack

F/n: avoid water

Sun: now is not the time fore jokes F/n

Ruby: sun I need your scroll

Sun tosses ruby his scroll then Ruby's locker comes from the sky she opens revealing crescent rose ruby runs to get it but a griffin lands on it but then is shot by port

Port: students I think it would be best for you to leave

Ruby: But we can-

Obleck: miss rose this will surly go down in remnant history and I prefer if my students would live to tell about it

Ruby smiles then grabs her weapon

Ruby: let's go

You managed to see ironwood

Ruby: what's going on

Ironwood: Grimm are crawling all over the city the white fang has invaded beacon and to make matters worse some vagabond has seized one of my ships until we regain command the skies are out of our control so I plan. He shoots a Grimm that was behind you. To take it back

Jaune: What should we do

Ironwood: you have to choices defend you kingdom and your school or save yourself's no one will fault you if you leave let's move out

Sun: I mean come on

Jaune: we can take a ship to beacon

You and everyone else starts running  you slow down to catch up with ruby you then kiss her cheek as you make it on the shuttle you both sit down but then ironwoods ship got shot down you and ruby look at each other and nod you both start running for the exit

Sun: Ruby F/n what are you doing

You and ruby jump for the arena you both land and ruby signed you to hold on to her as you both go flying in then air landing on a ship

( and that's where we end it here I'm sorry for leaving you on a cliff hanger but hey why not what's a fan fic with out a cliff hanger anyway I hope you liked it and have a nice day )

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