Volume 5 Chapter 13 Its Done You Lost

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Aurora's POV

Aurora: "Mind if I join in on the fun"

I cut the tentacle that was holding that boy but my focus is on Elias

Don: "So your Aurora with your eyes glowing and stuff"

Aurora: "I'm only in control of your nephews body once you and that snake are dead I can finally be free"  He smiles as he walks forward

Don: "Listen lady I'm not in the mo-" I cut him off with a swift punch to the gut launching him up onto the roof

Aurora: "What is up with this family and having such a big mouth"

Before I jump through the hole I hear a familiar voice

Ozpin: "Aurora Stop!" I turn to see Ozpin one of the basterds that put me in here

Aurora: "Hmph long time no see Ozpin"

Ozpin: "How are you in control of F/n"

Aurora: "Simple because he's stupid and accepted the deal I made"

Qrow: "Kid your such and Idiot"

F/n (in head): "I know Qrow no need to rub it in"

Aurora: "he says he knows Anyhow bye bye"

I jump through the hold I made in the ceiling I see the boys uncle laughing as he gets up

Aurora: "Listen how about you let that snake out for a little bit"

Don " If that's what you really want"

The boys uncle falls to the ground screaming with bumps moving around his body up his arm and to his head, He stands up and looks at me with purple eyes

Elias: "Nice to see you again Aurora"

Aurora: "It sure has been awhile huh so I'm guess they captured you too"

Elias: "No I was given a good deal so I took it"

We stare each other for a little bit until he launches him self at me I grab his arm when he's in mid air and flip him over on to the ground, I put my foot on his neck.

Elias "Cheap move" he says while coughing

Aurora: "Would have been faster if this body wasn't so weak"

As I put more pressure onto his neck to break it I hear a scream from down below I look down the dome window and I see a white hair girl with a spear through her

F/n (in head): "WEISS!"

Aurora: "Shut up in there" Elias forms a tentacle out of his back and grabs my throat

Elias: "ok mine turn"

Elias starts flipping over him and onto the ground and repeats the same thing over and over

Elias: "puny demon"

Elias forms more tentacles grab both my arms and legs and starts stretching them out I smile and fire off a light burst causing the tentacles to break as I fall to the ground I roll out of the way of him firing sludge bombs at me, kick one of them back at him and it explodes in his face since he's blinded I took this as an opportunity so I run at him and punch him in the throat making him fly back as far as possible

F/n(in head): "Please stop this!" I enter the boys soul and see him on his knees with tears running down his face

Aurora: "Isn't this what you wanted"

F/n: "Yes but I can't bare to watch it" I walk to him and bend down

Aurora: "Theres not point you're not longer in control" I snap my fingers cause four black walls to forum around him

F/n: "what is this"

Aurora: just so you don't pull anything stupid

I exit the boys soul and see Elias getting up from my last attack he smiles and coughs out blood but Elias doesn't bleed

Aurora: "So you switched out huh"

Don: "Y-Yeah" he continues to cough out blood

I smile as I walk towards him he makes his arm turn into a tentacle and fires it straight at me, I grab the tentacle and crush it he does the same thing with the other arm so I grab that one and crush that one, He screams in pain which makes me laugh he falls to his knees holding his arm I bend down and smile at as I pick him up and hold him over the roof edge he squirms around hitting my arm

F/n (in head): "PLEASE STOP!"

I smile at the thought of the boy hurting as I begin to loosen my grip on the boys uncle I hear a voice from down below

???: "F/N DON'T"

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