Volume 5 chapter 3 meeting an old friend

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( hey guys so this is gonna be a fan made chapter as you can tell by the title so let get started shall we)

After swimming to the island and remembering what happened, you look around to see smoke

F/n: that must be where the air ship is. You say in a tiered voice.

You walk around this island to see what you can find, while Thinking about ideas that won't work.

F/n: if I use a ice dust crystal and combine it with my aura blades I don't think it will work because the ice doesn't stay long, since I'm not like Weiss, I'm not a master at dust so let's see.

Out of nowhere there's a huge boat that stop and honks it's horn.

???: Hello down there

F/n: uhhh hi.

"He looks like the captain of the ship" you thought
He throws now a ladder for you to climb on.

Captain: come on buddy let get you off that island and up here

F/n: thank you

You climb up, as the captions crew mates help you up the caption pulls up the ladder,

Caption: welcome aboard sonny my name is captain. He says as he put his hand on your shoulder

F/n: your name is caption. You say with confusing tone in your voice

Caption: yup that's all the call me in the show

F/n: what show

Caption: never mind that now make your self at home. He says as he walks away

Umm ok that was weird, but your happy your not on the island anymore so you decided to walk along the ship. "There's a lot of Faunus aboard this ship" you thought to your self. You then get pushed out of the way by a Faunus

Random Faunus: Move it human

You thought about telling about the Faunus that your half and half but you let it go, you start walking on the boat and thinking where is it heading until you bump into a someone. You fall to the ground as they pick you up by the collar of your small cap

???: watch where your goi-

You put your hands up like there going to attack you but they stop and put you down. They take off their sunglasses and stand there and that's when it hit you

F/n: YANG!!

Yang: F/N!!!

You both hug each other

Yang: how have you been I thought you were with Weiss

F/n: uhhh yeah we um parted ways. You lied because you didn't want her to worry.

Yang: well I'm happy to see you in fact I'm on my way to go see someone that can take me to Ruby

F/n: REALLY! .you say happily

Yang: yeah if you want you can come with

F/n: ummm s-sure

Yang: you ok tough guy

F/n: yeah

Yang feels your muscles, you blush

F/n: Yang what are you doing

Yang: wow you've been working out huh

F/n: yeah

Yang: so are you the guy they picked up

F/n: yeah they found me down there because me and Weis- my air ship crashed and we were attacked my Grimm

Yang: ok????

You see the boat is heading towards an island, while you see smoke


Yang: do you wanna go check it out once we get off

F/n: please

(Hey guys I'm gonna end it here today I hope all of you have a nice day

Rwby : Ruby x Male Reader, The X-FACTOR Where stories live. Discover now