Volume 5 Chapter 14 Hope

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F/n's POV

???: "F/N DON'T"

Your eyes shoot open as you here the familiar voice. The voice begins to get louder and louder, you stand up and look out of Auroras eyes to see the person who was calling your name. It's Blake you can't believe that she's here. you begin to feel something inside you what is this feeling you ask yourself. is it hope? your whole body begins to glow you feel your strength coming back and moving through out your body you punch the black wall hoping it would crack, but it didn't you punch it a few more times but no results, you fall to your knees As tears begin to fall.

Blake: "F/N!"

Your whole body freezes when Blake calls out your name. You wipe the tears from your eyes and stand up remembering the times you had with your team with your friends Blake, Yang, Weiss, Asher,... and Ruby. your whole body begins to glow again you pull your arm back AND with all your strength You punch the wall causing it to crack. You keep remembering the times you had with your friends but you stop at one final memory the one that is giving you more strength and hope to bust down this wall was the night one year ago

-one year ago-

Your siting on a bed with your arm bleeding as Ruby is patching you up while yang and the others leave the room

Ruby: "your reckless you know that right"

F/n: "yeah I know"

You and Ruby both look at each you lean in as Ruby does the same both of your lips interlock for the first time you run your fingers through her dark red hair and see holds you shoulders and pulls you in closer before the kiss starts to get more serious yang and everyone else enters the room You both break the kiss and act like nothing happened yang starts laughing, Weiss is disgusted and Blake just has a surprised look on her face as you and ruby are just siting there blushing and embarrassed

-present day-

That night when you first kiss Ruby gives you the strength you need to bust down this wall with one final hit the wall shatters and everything goes white

Aurora's POV

                        - 10 minutes earlier -

I hold the boys uncle over the ledge and smile as I loosen my grip on his throat but a girl calls out the boys name

Blake: "F/N!"

Aurora: "Sorry sweetie he's not here right now"

The girls eyes widen as my grip on the uncles throat loosen even more. Out of no where my chest begins to hurt  over and over and then I realize, the boy he's breaking down the walls I sigh as I don't have much time left so in order to show pain on this world I grab the arm of the boys uncle, and tear it off.

Don: "AHHH MY ARM" his arm begins bleeding heavily

I smile and throw his arm to the side as I feel my strength begins to fade. I'm back inside the boys soul I look around to see him on the floor exhausted he stands up and looks at me with anger in his eyes

F/n: "Give me back my body"

Aurora: "and why should I do that?" He points at me and closes his fist

F/n: "I won't let you destroy the world"

Aurora: "Oh! So you finally figured it out, Hmph looks like your not all muscle after all" he starts to walk towards and try's to punch me

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