Chapter 2

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I begin to follow Drew to his vehicle, feeling slightly better after throwing up. Once we get close to his vehicle, Rudy and Jonathan notice us and look confused.

"Why did you guys fall so far behind?" Rudy asks.

"This one decided to throw up in a bush real quick," Drew says, pointing to me laughing.

"Oops?" I say, making the three guys laugh as we all get in the car once Drew unlocks the doors. Rudy and Jonathan let me sit shotgun because I wasn't feeling the best. I get into the seat and Drew the door for me after I givegiving thumbs up that all my body parts are safely in the car. 

"Seatbelt," Drew says, looking at me as he puts his on. I nod and go to grab it and pull it over my body but struggle to click it in. Drew laughs and grabs it off of me, and clicks it right in.

"And you wanted to go home yourself." He says, shaking his head, and he starts the car up. He looks up my address again and puts it into his car GPS. I lay back and close my eyes, not feeling too hot again.

"Hey, hey, you okay? Do you need me to pull over?" Drew asks, noticing my demeanor.

"No, I just want to be in my bed," I say

"I second that," Rudy says, and Jonathan mumbles an agreement.

~skip car ride~

"Here, I'll walk you up if you guys don't mind?" Drew says, asking the guys in the back. I nod my head and go to unbuckle my seatbelt and open the door. I turn around and sit like that for a second, getting my bearings. I step out slowly and am met with Drew. They both shrug their shoulders, not seeming to mind.

"Let's not fall on the way, alright?" he suggests laughing, putting his hand on the bottom of my back after he shuts my car door. He helps guide me to the entrance and the elevators as I explain where to go.

"Floor 12," I say once we're on the elevator. He nods and presses 12.

"You're going to regret this in the morning when we're table reading," He laughs.

"I'm already regretting it," I say, feeling like I need to throw up again. The doors open to my floor, and we walk to my apartment door. I fumble to get my keys out of my purse and accept defeat giving them to Drew. He laughs and puts the only key on the chain in the doorknob, and unlocks my door. I follow him into my apartment and shut it behind me.

"I'm going to go throw up again. Thank you for the ride home and assist," I joke once he sets the keys and my phone from his back pocket on my island.

"Not a problem at all. It was a fun night. I think you're going to fit right in with the cast," he says, pulling out one of my bar chairs. I smile, seeing as he isn't in a hurry to leave. I go to my fridge, stumbling a bit, and open it. I turn around and gesture towards him if he wants water, and he nods his head. I grab two bottles and go and stand on the opposite side of the island. I hand him his as he thanks me.

"Do you always drink this much?" He asks mockingly. I gasp, pretending to be shocked.

"Only when I'm nervous and want to get help with my anxiety," I say honestly.

"Why were you nervous?" He asks, confused.

"Meeting new people when you all look like you do, haha, and I look like, well duh," I say, instantly regretting sharing too much. He frowns and turns his head a bit, seeming even more confused.

"What do you mean?" he asks, honestly interested.

"Nothing, never mind. Thanks again for bringing me home, but I'm sure Rudy and Jonathan are getting antsy," I say, standing upright.

"Yeah, of course. I'll see you tomorrow at noon for the first day of table reads," he says, dropping the subject and getting up to leave.

"See you tomorrow Drew," I say, smiling. I follow him to the door and wave again as he walks out. As the door shuts, he knocks almost immediately. I shake my head and laugh.

"Yes?" I ask through the door, confused.

"Lock the door, let me hear it." I smile at his comment and lock the door loud so that he can hear it.

"Goodnight," he says through the door again. I laugh and reply with a goodnight as well.

I walk around my apartment, turning all my lights off and going to my bedroom. I plug my phone into my charger and set the alarm, so I don't forget to get up for set tomorrow. I immediately strip off my clothes that reek of smoke and alcohol and throw them into my hamper. I go to my dresser and grab a pair of athletic shorts and a t-shirt. I get dressed quickly and fall back into my bed, almost instantly falling asleep.

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