Chapter 9

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After about an hour, we all decide to play, never have I ever. (I know it's childish, but it'll help to let the entire cast know what happened, haha). I was sitting on the loveseat next to Drew, and everyone else was scattered across my living room. Chase started because he yelled that he was first. A couple of questions are asked to which I put my fingers down but some I don't. Next is Rudy.

"Okay, never have I ever kisses a castmate," Rudy says, thinking he's going to at least get me to put my finger down. Bailey looks at me shocked and starts laughing at my facial expression. I look at Rudy and shrug my shoulders, putting a finger down slowly. I feel Drew shifting around next to me, but I ignore it.

"Lyss, do you know how to play? You put your finger down if you HAVE," Rudy says confused.

"I know how to play Rudy," I say trying not to laugh. All the guys have shocked expressions and Rudy jumps up pacing around.

"Okay, who did you kiss?" He asks me. I shrug my shoulders again.

"I'm not one to kiss and tell bud," I say and hear Drew lightly chuckle. Rudy looks right at Drew which makes Drew stop laughing.

"Drew Starkey?" Rudy looks at me questioningly.

"Yes." Drew interrupts me. I hide my face in my hands as everyone screams.

"Okay okay okay are we all five? Move on let's finish the game," I say laughing. I dare myself to look at Drew and notice that his cheeks are also tinted a deep shade of red. We both smile at each other and shake our heads at our friends. He brushes a loose chunk of my hair behind my ear, and I just continue to stare at him smiling.

"Hi, we're still here," JD interrupts to which Bailey smacks him hard. I jump away from Drew and lean as far as I can away from him laughing.

"You just had to ruin it," I hear Madelyn yell at JD.

"What you guys wanted to watch them have sex with their eyes?" He says concerned.

Drew grabs the pillow from behind him and chucks the pillow as hard as he possibly can at JD.

"Not funny bro," he says annoyed. I smile at him, and his annoyance seems to disappear.

"Okay okay sorry geez," he says as everyone laughs.

The rest of the night is chill as all sit around and drink and share stories. At around 1 a.m. some of the cast start to leave. All that is left now is Drew and Rudy.

"I shouldn't have driven here," Rudy says, quite drunk.

"You guys can just crash here if you want? We don't have to go to set until noon tomorrow," I suggest. And with that mention Drew perks up from his seat.

"You don't mind?" Drew asks smiling. I shake my head and mess up his hair.

"Not at all," I say, and both boys decide they'll crash here.

"I call the couch," Rudy says totally oblivious to the fact of where Drew is most likely going to sleep.

"Fine by me dude," Drew agrees with no argument, looking at me smiling.

"So, you're just going to sleep on the floor no argue... never mind," he says as it dawns on him that Drew will not be sleeping in the living room at all. I laugh at him and walk to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.

"Please try to be quiet at least," he says, and I see out of the corner of my eye Drew not looking entertained at all, giving Rudy a death glare. I smile to myself and take a big gulp of my water.

"Rudy here's a charger for you and these blankets in that basket by the TV, if you need anything else just ask me," I say tossing him one of my extra chargers. He catches it and thanks me, getting up to grab a blanket. I smile at Drew and point my head towards my bedroom, hinting for him to follow me. He smiles and nods, following me.

"Goodnight, Rudy," I say as I walk into my bedroom with Drew following close behind.

"Goodnight you two," he says in a stern way jokingly. I go to my dresser and grab a pair of comfortable shorts and an oversized t-shirt.

"I normally just wear my boxers to bed but if that makes you uncomfortable, I can wear my shirt," Drew says nervously. I smile and walk closer to him.

"You wear whatever makes you comfortable," I say looking directly into his eyes. He smiles and looks down at my lips, to which I simply nod my head yes. He smiles and places his hand on my face again and brings my chin up, connecting our lips. As much as we both seem to want to continue this further, we break away from the kiss after a few seconds since we weren't completely alone. We both smile at each other, and I lean my head into his chest.

"I like this," He whispers after a few seconds into my ear.

"Me too drewskey," I say quietly, smiling to myself. We eventually separate from the embrace, and I head into the bathroom to change. I brush my hair and put it up in a bun so it's not as crazy when I wake up. I walk out of my bathroom and Drew is just sitting on the edge of my bed scrolling through his phone.

"Can I post this picture that Bailey just sent in the group chat on Instagram? I'll post it with some other pictures of tonight too," Drew asks as I walk into the bedroom. I sit down next to him, and he shows me the picture he's talking about on his phone. I smile at the picture and nod. It's a picture of Drew and me on the couch, his arm around me as my head is on his chest.

"Yes, I think we look comfy together," I say agreeing. He looks at me and smiles, nodding his head agreeing. I watch as he saves a few other pictures of him and the guys. He opens Instagram and adds a new post. He adds the picture of us in the middle of his other pictures and tags everyone.

New Instagram post: drewstarkey

OBX cast welcomes Alyssa

He shows me the post before he clicks post and I nod approving it. As soon as he posts it thousands of people like and comment. We read through some of the comments, eventually causing me to yawn. He chuckles and looks towards me.

"Tired?" he asks, and I nod getting up to grab my phone. As I'm grabbing my phone he quickly strips down to his boxers and gets into my bed under the covers. I plug my phone in after turning on my alarm for the morning. I get into bed as well and lay close to him. As I go to put my head on the pillow, he gently pulls me into his chest without a word. I smile to myself and get more comfortable as he places his one arm around me. I place one arm on his chest and trace the outline of his abs. As I do this, he rubs circles on my back, almost putting me to sleep.

"Goodnight Lyss," He whispers after a few minutes.

"Night drewskey," I say and hear him chuckle. I eventually start to drift off but am awoken by a quiet knock on the door, I decided to just pretend that I'm sleeping so Drew responds quietly with a come in, as he pulls the blanket up over us higher.

"Sorry bro I really have to pee, and this is the only bathroom that I know where it is," Rudy whispers.

"You're fine, she's just fell asleep though so just be quiet don't wake her," Drew whispers back.

I hear the quiet commotion in the bathroom and feel Drew shifting around seemingly trying to get more comfortable. After a minute I hear Rudy walking out of the bathroom.

"You guys are getting pretty close pretty fast huh?" Rudy says and I can almost hear the smile in his voice.

"I mean we're just sleeping but whatever you say, Rudy," Drew says causing me to want to frown.

"Whatever you say, bro," Rudy says as he leaves my room, sounding like he closes the door. I feel Drew making circles on my back again and relax, even more, falling asleep soon after.

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