Chapter 3

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~a/n~ sorry this is a short chapter, just wanted to upload something and today was busy... better and longer chapter tomorrow! hope you enjoy      



10:34 a.m.

I woke up abruptly from my alarm clock and instantly groaned. I reached over to my nightstand to turn my alarm on snooze. I fall back asleep and am awoken again several minutes later. I check the time and that it is now 10:45. I groan and sit up, instantly regretting it because a throbbing headache is now noted. I grab my phone and unplug it, turning off my alarm completely. I uncover and get out of bed and head to my bathroom. 

I turn on the shower and let it warm up as I search through my medicine cabinet for some sort of headache medicine. I find some and dump a few into my hand, taking the pills with water from the faucet. I get undressed and step into the shower. I immediately relax and begin my shower routine.

I step out after about ten minutes and check my phone. There's one text message from an unknown number. I tilt my head confused and walk into my bedroom with just my towel, sitting down on my bed as I unlock my phone.

unknown number: hey, your place is actually on the way to set from mine. Want me to stop by and pick you up?

"what" I mumble to myself, not remembering much from last night, barely remembering leaving the party.

alyssa: I'm so sorry I'm not normally like this. I have no idea who this is. I'm so embarrassed. I can see you sent a screenshot of my address to yourself, so I'm assuming you brought me home.

unknown number: well, you were pretty drunk last night, haha, so I'll let it slide. It's Drew.

I instantly get butterflies, starting to remember the caring boy who brought me home safely last night.

alyssa: wow, how could I forget. But sure, that would be cool if you don't mind. I don't have a car yet, so I was planning on getting a Lyft

unknown number: you were quite drunk, so I'll let it slide this time. Don't mind at all. I'll be there in like 15 minutes. I'll let you know when I'm close.

alyssa: perfect, thanks!

I change the contact name to ~ drew s.~

I begin rushing around my bedroom, looking for something to wear. I decide on a pair of light wash jeans a comfortable graphic tee with some black converse.

I decided to brush my hair add some product, and put a bandana in my hair since it's still damp and there isn't enough time to deal with it

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I decided to brush my hair add some product, and put a bandana in my hair since it's still damp and there isn't enough time to deal with it. I hurry up and do a quick face of makeup and gather my script and anything else I may need into a backpack. I go to my kitchen and fill up a cup of water from my fridge and grab a banana to eat on the way. As I sit down at my island, I get a text from Drew.

drew s.:  pulling into the parking garage... I can come up if you want

alyssa: okay! Nope, on my way down now.

I answer him quickly and gather up my backpack and keys. I walk out of my apartment, making sure to lock the door on the way out. I fast walk to the elevator and press the parking garage button. I shake my nerves real quick, not trying to think about today. The elevator opens up to the parking garage hallway to which I walk out of the exit door. I look around for a car that seems to be running and am meant with a beep that echoes throughout the garage and makes me jump. I look to see where the beep came from and recognize the car from last night. I shake my head as I see Drew laughing and walk over to his car. I open the passenger side door and slip into the seat. 

"Good morning. How are you feeling?" Drew asks, turning the music volume down, causing me to smile.

"Oh, you know, just dandy," I say sarcastically. 

"Well, maybe you shouldn't have drank so much last night, huh? Buckle up," He jokes and then gets serious as he starts to leave the garbage. I listen to him and buckle up, getting on my phone. I open up my Instagram and go to the story. I take a picture of the road and add the caption:

Headed to my first day on site😬 who can guess what show I'm going to be on?

I add the picture to my story and scroll through insta. 

"Hey, follow me on IG and then take my phone and follow yourself before I forget," Drew says randomly. I smile and nod, going to the search tab. He reads his handle to me, and I type it in and click follow. He hands me his phone right after, and I grab it, going to unlock it after he reads the passcode off to me. I search for his app to save time, type my insta handle into his search and click follow. I lock his phone and hand it back to him. We make small talk the entire way to set and get there after about 25 minutes. 

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