Chapter 21

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Alyssa followed Drew to his car in the parking garage and thanked him as he opened her door for her. She sat down in the passenger seat and adjusted herself to be more comfortable as she clicked her seatbelt in safely.

As Drew begins to back out of the space, he places his hand on her thigh, instantly causing butterflies to erupt in her stomach. She glanced at him quickly to see his eyes focused on driving, but a slight smirk grows on his face. She began watching the road smiling to herself in content.

"Can you pull the directions up?" He asks, taking his eyes off the road for a quick second glancing at her. She nods and pulls her phone out, pulling up the directions. She reads them off to him as they come upon her screen.

They make small talk as Drew drives to their destination, arriving in a short time. As they get out, Drew smiles towards the girl seeing her excited expression.

"Have you ever been to something like this?" He asks her as they walk towards the entrance. She shakes her head no, and he smiles again, stepping in front of her to pay for two tickets ignoring her grunt from behind him. She thanks him as she rolls her eyes jokingly, taking the ticket from his hand. 

They begin to walk around the path surrounded by hundreds if not thousands of flowers as Alyssa smiles, taking in the beautiful scenery.

"God, it's so beautiful here," She says to Drew, only causing him to smile once again.

"Not as beautiful as you," he says, and she chuckles, shoving him lightly as her cheeks heat up slightly. Alyssa takes several pictures of the rows of flowers and posts one on her story.

New Instagram story from: alyssageron

nothing else I would rather be doing on our last free day before the Bahamas :)

She posts the picture to her account and continues following the path. She notices a spot that would be perfect for taking photographs and squeals in excitement.

"Can you take my picture, Drewskey pleaseee," She smiles towards the boy as he groans but nods his head, grabbing her phone out of her hands. The next half hour is spent by Drew taking pictures of Alyssa while he complains the entire time, secretly enjoying himself as he takes in all of her features, admiring her beauty from head to toe.

"Lyss, can we get something to eat? I'm starving," Drew complains after about 45 minutes. The girl nods and grabs her phone out of his hands, walking in the direction of food. They come upon a little cafe and decide to order from there. They both order lunch food, and Drew orders a coffee as well. This time Alyssa throws her card in front of Drew's and pays for their meal, causing him to groan and silently curse at her.

They choose to sit down at a table that is surrounded by flowers and has cute swinging chairs. The two eat and talk about anything and everything. Alyssa decides to take a picture of Drew because he looks good and posts it on her story.

New Instagram story from: alyssageron

alyssageron: he's mad because I made him take 800 pictures of me and then refused to let him pay for our lunch

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alyssageron: he's mad because I made him take 800 pictures of me and then refused to let him pay for our lunch. @drewstarkey

She smiles to herself as she posts the picture to her story and finishes up her food. The two finish their trip through the gardens and make their way to the exit.

"Ready to head back?" He asks as they make their way to his car. She nods and smiles, checking the time and seeing it's already 4 pm. They continue towards the exit taking in the scenery till the last second. As they approach the parking lot, Alyssa's phone starts ringing. She glances down and sees Jonathan's name on her screen. She answers the call and brings the phone to her face at a better angle.

Active call with: JD

JD: hey, where are you?

Alyssa: about to leave the botanical gardens, why what's up?

JD: ooh, fancy, who are you with?

Alyssa: Drew, why

JD: are you guys on a date?

Alyssa pauses after Jonathan's question, quickly looking to Drew to see if he heard, but it seems he is in another world as they walk back to the car.

Alyssa: No, I don't think so. But would it be wrong if I said I wish we were? It feels like it, but it's not.

JD: I think he feels the same. He's just a little bitch. I was just calling because I saw your story and wanted to tease you. I'll see you two early tomorrow morning, have fun, Lyss.

Alyssa: of course you did. See you tomorrow morning JD.

She hands up the phone as they approach the car, and both get in. 

"What was that call about?" Drew asks as he starts driving back to her apartment. 

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