Chapter 8

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Drew follows me for once, into my apartment as I lock the door behind him. We both set all the bags down on the island. I look at him and smile.

"Thanks for the help, here you can just set your bag in my bedroom," I suggest, and he nods and follows me to my room.

"Here good?" He asks gesturing to my bed. I nod and he tosses it and starts looking around at the pictures I have taped up on my walls. I smile and stand behind him as his eyes follow the pictures.

"Who's this?" he asks, pointing to a picture of my mom and me.

"My mom, this was taken 6 months before she passed away," I say smiling fondly thinking of her.

"Oh wow, I'm sorry. I didn't... I.." he stammers on nervously.

"No Drew it's okay, it's been a couple of years now," I say reassuring him. He nods and continues to look at the pictures. He points to a picture of me and my best friend and looks at me, wondering.

"That would be my best friend since third grade," I say smiling. He nods and looks at it more.

"You look really happy in this picture," he says, causing me to blush. He turns to look at me. It's now that I realize how close we are. There are no lights on in my bedroom and only a small amount of light source is coming from the windows barely lighting up each of our faces. He softly smiles down at me and places his thumb under my chin.

"Can I kiss you?" Drew whispers ever so slightly that I barely hear him.

I just simply nod and he uses his thumb to lift my chin and brings his lips to mine. As soon as our lips touch my entire body feels warm. The kiss only lasts for a few seconds but once we disconnect our lips, Drew places his forehead against mine.

"You smell nice," I say quietly causing him to chuckle and pull me into a bear hug. A hug that I could stay in forever. We stay like this for seconds as I take in his cologne and sigh in content. Eventually, we let go of the hug and just stand next to each other as he continues to look at the pictures. I get my phone out of my pocket and check the time.

"Hey, it's 5:30 I'm going to shower first so my hair dries," I say, and he nods.

"Make yourself at home," I say and gesture to my bedroom and living room.

"I'm going to put the drinks away," he says and heads towards my kitchen. I smile and walk to my closet grabbing some comfortable clothes for tonight. I walk to the bathroom and shut the door, locking it. I look at myself in the mirror and squeal internally. I turn the water on to heat up and quickly get out my phone to text the girls because I can't keep it in.

 I turn the water on to heat up and quickly get out my phone to text the girls because I can't keep it in

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New text message from: OBX Gals

alyssa: um soooo Drew and I kissed.

I send the text and lock my phone turning it over, I undress and get in the shower. I shower quickly and get out. I throw a towel in my hair and wrap one around my body. I hear my phone buzzing and go to check it.

New text message from: OBX Gals

mads b.: excuse me... what??!?!?!?!

lilah p.: okay get it girl

madelyn c.: you're kidding omf

alyssa: it happened out of nowhere I'm still in shock. 10/10 kisser though... just saying

mads b.: you're awful omg, maybe inviting him to our girls night was good after all

alyssa: I think I must agree. But it was just a kiss and we just met I'm not thinking into it too much

mads b.: smart gotta be safe but still, this is exciting, can't wait to see all of you

alyssa: same now I gotta finish getting ready

I smile at the thought of how supportive all of them are and the fact that I already have friends that I can talk to guys about. I get dressed and start brushing my hair, I decide to leave my hair and face natural since we're all just hanging out. I throw my dirty clothes in the hamper and set out a towel and washcloth for Drew on the sink. I search in my closet for men's shower stuff and find some that I had bought just in case. I set it out on the sink as well and grab my phone, walking out of the bathroom.

I notice Drew sitting on my couch through my bedroom door. I walk quietly and try to scare him, but when I get close to the couch he turns around and screams 'BOO!' which causes me to jump back and scream.

"How did you possibly know I was behind you?" I say laughing after my heart rate goes back to normal.

"I saw you in the TV reflection idiot," he says laughing. I shake my head and pretend to be sad that I couldn't scare him.

"Aww better luck next time, I just ordered some pizzas and other sides from a place around here that delivers," he says laughing as he gets up.

"Awesome I'll just Venmo you. How much was it?" I ask getting my phone out.

"Free," he says declining my offer. I roll my eyes but thank him.

"Are you done in the bathroom? Am I good to shower real quick?" He asks.

"Yep, I set out stuff for you on the counter," I say, and he thanks me as he walks into my bedroom grabbing his bag then going into the bathroom shutting the door behind him.

I decide to tidy up the apartment before everyone starts coming in. I sweep the floors and make my bed fluffing pillows on the couch. By the time I finish tidying up and setting up the chips and appetizers Drew walks out of my bedroom with wet messy hair. He smiles once he sees me, and I smile back.

"I like your hair like that," I blurt out instantly regretting it. He smiles and walks closer to me.

"You're beautiful did you know that?" he asks once he's right in front of me. Butterflies are now in full drive as I look up to him, smiling. He places his hands on each of my arms gently holding me.

"You're quite handsome yourself drewskey," I say trying to ease my nerves. He shakes his head smiling.

"I think your nickname is growing on me. Only when you use it though," he says staring directly into my eyes. We both start to move closer to each other's lips again, but a knock on the door interrupts us.

"Fuck," Drew curses under his breath as I go to answer the door. I look through the peephole and see Bailey and JD. I smile and squeal opening the door. Bailey and I hug first and then I hug JD and gesture them into my apartment. They both greet Drew too and Bailey gives me googly eyes when the boys aren't looking causing me to slap her. She raises her hands in defense and we both laugh. Throughout the next half hour, the rest of the cast show up as well as the food. I turn a random playlist on my tv to fill the silence. Once everyone is situated with food and conversation, I gesture to bailey to follow me into my kitchen. She notices and nonchalantly gets up to stand next to me.

"What's up?" She whispers.

"Drew & I almost kissed again before you and JD knocked on the door," I say trying not to smile.

"Again?!?!" She whisper yells with the biggest smile on her face.

"Dammit I rushed JD up here we should've walked slower," she says whisper yelling at herself.

"Yeah I wish you did," I say blushing. 

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