8. Home For The Holidays

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The weeks flew by, and I was so excited to have guests coming home with me for Christmas. Mum and dad were just as excited to have my friends stay. My mum had made sure to buy presents for both Blaise and Layla from them and Jaxon and had even been in touch with their parents to make sure that it was ok for them to stay.

She laughed and said Blaise's mum seemed like a real character but she didn't say much about Layla's parents just that the girl that she met in the mirror had no resemblance to her parents at all.

The day we were due to leave, we all travelled down to the train station with Draco. He couldn't understand why I was taking two strays (as he called them) home and why one of them was a boy. We climbed aboard the train and slid into an empty compartment. I couldn't wait to show my friends my house and spend four fun filled weeks with my parents as well.

When we arrived at Kings Cross, my mum was there standing next to Narcissa Malfoy waiting for us. They were holding hands and chatting like old friends would. As we got off, I ran to my mum and pulled her in for a long hug. "I missed you too, sweetheart," she cooed in my ear. I stepped back, introducing Blaise and Layla to my mum before turning and smiling at Narcissa. "Nice you see you again, Mrs Malfoy." I smiled. Narcissa pulled me in for a hug and laughed, "Please, Isla, call me Narcissa or Cissy." She then turned to Draco. "My boy, I have missed you." "Hello, mother." Draco kissed her cheek.

"Narcissa, these are my friends. Blaise, you know. " "Hello again, Cissy," Blaise said, kissing Narcissa's hand. "My, my Blaise, you get taller every time I see you." "And this is Layla Nyx." "Ah yes. I believe I know your mother, Layla. It's lovely to meet you," she said, shaking Layla's hand while Layla mumbled a hello to her. "Tell me dear, are your parents here?" Narcissa asked, looking around with a slight fear in her eyes.

"No ma'am. I am staying with Mr & Mrs Howell for the holidays. " "As am I," Blaise added, "which I am extremely thankful for Mrs Howell." "Nonsense Blaise, we are delighted to have you. And call me Annabelle or Anna."

"Oh, how lovely," Narcissa chimed. "We should have another get-together so the four of you can spend some time together during the holidays." This was the first time that Draco seemed interested in the conversation. "That would be great, Cissy. Draco is, of course, welcome anytime. You know how to use the floo network Draco, and our fireplace is now connected to yours, so come by as often as you like."

"Thank you, Anna," Draco replied. "Well, we better be going," my mum stated. "I have left Ad with Jaxon, and he's at that age now where he is starting to move about, and he can be a handful." "I remember only too well, Anna." Narcissa laughed. "Well, we will have to see you over the holidays."

"How about Christmas Eve like we used to?" my mum asked. Like, who used to? Us? I spent Christmas with the Malfoys? Huh. "Oh yes, Anna! That would be fabulous! I have missed our traditions." "Then it's settled, " my mum smiled before hugging Narcissa. "I will owl you to organise. Draco, I am sure we will see you before then."

The Malfoys waved us off as we ran through the barrier between platforms 9 and 10 and made our way out to the alleyway to apparate home with my mum.

We landed in the driveway of our house. "Very nice," Blaise commented. It wasn't such a shock to see a pureblood family with a large home. Most pureblood families were quite well off financially speaking. And I knew for a fact Blaise lived in a manor like Draco, which I am sure is much bigger than this.

My mum levitated our trunks upstairs while I went to find my dad and introduce him to Blaise and Layla. I could hear commotion coming from my dads study, so I knocked on the door and waited for him to shout, "Come in," before opening the door to a large cloud of purple smoke.

His North Star.    *Complete*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora