72. Give Her Hell From Us Peeves

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I didn't tell my parents about the detention or punishment. Why upset them? I did tell Remus in one letter, which resulted in him using the mirror from my mum to contact me. I wasn't sure where he was when he came into view, but I could make out Sirius standing behind him. "Isla, are you alright?" he asked sorrowfully. "Yes, uncle, I am fine, thanks. The pain is mostly gone now, and my ribs and cuts are healing well as well, according to Callumn." Remus sighed. "That woman deserves to be boiled alive for what she did to you, Harry and everyone else. And that Crabbe boy! I would like to get my hands on him. Five minutes...that's all I would need!" Sirius was shouting in the background. "As long as you are safe, that's all that matters now." Remus smiled. "I am," I assured them both as they looked into the mirror. "We were worried when we heard that you were part of this group. What were you thinking?"

Them too? "I was thinking that we needed to learn how to defend ourselves and how to pass our OWLs." I huffed. "It was a bloody brilliant idea!" Sirius laughed. "Something that we would have gotten up to at school." Remus huffed. "Sirius don't encourage this behaviour." Sirius shrugged. "Why not? It's great!" Remus rolled his eyes. "How is everyone?" I asked. "As well as can be expected. Dumbledore is here helping out with the order." At least I knew he was safe. "Really? Cool!" Then there was a chuckle. "We heard what you did with Harry's edition of the Quibb Kitten," Sirius beamed. "Genius!" I smirked. "Did they tell you I enchanted it so it multiplied by 4 when touched by Umbridge or her Minions?" Sirius's eyes nearly popped out of his head. "Brilliant! Oh, Kitten, you have made my year! What did I do before I knew you? You're a little beacon of fire!"

"Now Isla, I want you to promise to stay out of trouble," Remus added. "I don't go looking for trouble, you know," I smirked. "Well, that's good to hear," Remus smiled. "I don't need to. Trouble manages to find me all on its own!" Sirius burst out laughing at this. "Isla, you are bloody amazing! When all this is over me and you are going to have to hang out more often." I blushed but was delighted. "I will hold you to that!" He winked at me. "I hope so, Kitten. I hope so."

For the next few weeks, I focused all my attention on my upcoming exams. They were approaching too fast for my liking, and I was getting very nervous. Every spare second was taken up by revision. Snape had even let us use his room for peace and quiet and to practise our potions for our practical exam.

By the time June rolled around, I knew I couldn't be more prepared if I tried. I had read all of my notes about fifty times over, and I just wanted to get the exams over with before I forgot everything. I wasn't wishing that when the exams actually rolled around. It was two weeks of torture! Morning and afternoons in the Great Hall. None of the exams were as bad as I anticipated, but it was a lot of work, and the two weeks dragged.

We were in the middle of the last exam. Only thirty minutes to freedom! I had pretty much completed the paper. This was one of the easiest exams. I was looking around the room out of boredom, and my eyes landed on Harry. His hand was clutched to his scar, and he looked to be in pain. When I looked back in his direction, he was up and was leaving the hall. Something was definitely up. I stood up and left the hall following him. Harry was standing beside the bottom steps. I ran to him. "Harry, are you ok?" I asked as Ron and Hermione came up behind me. "No, I am not...it's Sirius. He has Sirius." I looked around for anyone from the DA. I nodded to Fred and George, who were standing a bit away from us.

Voldemort had Sirius? "Harry, are you sure?" I asked. He and Hermione began to argue. Harry wanted to head to the location he had been in his vision, and Hermione wanted to try and contact him first. "So we use Umbridge's office Floo to check to see if Sirius was at home. How are we getting into Umbridge's office." Ron asked. "Guys, we need a distraction," I said, smiling. "Fred, George, you with me?" Both boys grinned evilly. "Until the very end," Fred smiled. "Ok, we will distract. You check the Floo. Be careful!" They ran off. "Ok boys, ready?" I smirked. "To cause mayhem? Please, we were born for this. And with you? Well, that is a beautiful added bonus." George smiled. He then ran off to break their brooms out of the locker as Fred and I set up some booby traps around the castle. Fireworks, instant dark powder, and even a huge swamp were set up.

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