99. I Need To Tell You Something

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The next few weeks were some of the slowest and most boring of my life. Blaise and Theo were a great help to have around. Jaxon followed them around everywhere, and they seemed to love having him around. Blaise and Layla took Jaxon down to the beach most days to swim and play. Theo would read to Jaxon every night. They slotted into our family dynamic like they had always been there.

I spoke to Draco every day. He was right about the place being dangerous. Every day, they seemed to have more and more Death Eaters coming to stay. Including Mr Parkinson. But I had used the mirror to speak with Pansy, and her and her mother were currently in Ireland with the O'Neills and were safe.

For about 12 weeks, our lives seemed to consist of waking up, eating, cleaning the house, or playing with Jaxon and lounging about until bedtime. Very boring. We saw no one besides Remus and Tonks, who came to tea at least once a week.

One particular evening, however, they came over both smiling like cheshire cats! What? Yes, I have read Alice In Wonderland - thanks to Hermione! They seemed ready to burst as they gathered us all into the living room. "What is going on?" My mum smiled as she sat down. "Well," Remus started. "As you know, Tonks and I have moved in together, and we decided that with this war going on, that life is too short. So.." "WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!" Tonks shouted. Everyone was on their feet, and I made it to Remus first as I pulled him in for a hug.

"This is amazing news!" I gushed. "It's because of you. You changed my mind and made me realise that maybe I did deserve happiness." I didn't get time to respond as my dad pulled Remus in for a hug. I waited my turn to hug Tonks. She was beaming! Glowing even.

"Congratulations, auntie," I smirked. "Isla, I am so happy!" She looked like she could cry. "So.." I said, looking from Remus to Tonks. "When is the big day?"

"We only want a small gathering. You lot and my mum and dad." Tonks smiled. "Actually, we wanted to know if it would be alright to have it here?" Remus asked. "We would love that!" My dad smiled. Not that we had much of a choice. Being in hiding kind of meant that we couldn't exactly leave this place. Alright, I couldn't leave it again.

They planned to have the ceremony as soon as possible. And they weren't kidding. It was Wednesday now, and they were planning on Saturday. They really weren't wasting time. So, the next few days were spent planning and prepping. The boys, dad, Remus, and Mr Tonks erected a small marquee in the garden, which Layla and I decorated with twinkling lights and flowers. Mrs Tonks had made a delicious looking cake. My mum made enough food to feed the whole of Hogwarts.

On Saturday, everyone donned their best suits and dresses. Layla and I were bridesmaids. My dad was the best man. Tonks herself wore her mother's wedding dress with a few alterations to make it more her style. She refused point blank to wear a veil. Not that it suited her baby pink hair anyway.

The ceremony was resided over by Kingsley Shacklebolt from the Ministry. A friend of Remus and a colleague of Tonks. I met him last year at Hogwarts. It was a beautiful service, and the party was in full swing. Blaise and Layla were dancing in a loving embrace as Theo was spinning Jaxon around the floor. I wasn't feeling great, so I was sitting down enjoying a slice of cake when Tonks and my mum sat down next to me.

"Are you ok, sweetie? You look a little pale." My mother felt my forehead. "Just a funny tummy, I think," I answered. "Me too, I've been feeling...oh cake!" Tonks smiled as she levitated a plate over to the table. "You know what this cake needs?" I asked her. "A pickle?" She asked, hopeful. "I was going to say some butter beer to wash it down, but a pickle does sound good! We have some in the pantry, I think."

My mum was watching us both with her mouth open. Tonks and I linked arms as we walked to the kitchen. I handed her the jar of pickles as I grabbed a spoon and a jar of marshmallow fluff. My mum had followed us. Still looking in shock.
"Mum? What is it? Are you ok?" She looked like she was in a sort of trance. She shook her head to bring herself around. "Oh my word! Ladies!" "What?" We said in unison.

His North Star.    *Complete*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora