82. And There Better Be Firewhiskey Left When I Get Back!

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I was actually looking forward to the party. It would be fun to have Blaise as my date. I felt like I barely got to spend any time with him these days. And if I couldn't go with my actual boyfriend I could at least have fun with my friend. Thankfully, we do not have classes on Friday afternoons, so I had plenty of time to get ready. I wasn't much of a girly girl, so things like makeup and hairstyles were a little out of my comfort zone. Usually, my mum and Narcissa helped me get ready when we were going out anywhere. I had also not given much thought to what I would wear for the event. I decided to leave it to the last minute to look, which I have to admit was a stupid idea as it left me pretty flustered. Which is exactly how Layla, Daphne, and Pansy found me that afternoon when they came to my room.

"What the crap happened in here?" Layla laughed. "I am trying to find something to wear to Slughorn's Christmas party, but I can't decide." Daphne giggled. "Oh, is that tonight? Why didn't you say? I can help you." I began rounding up clothes and putting them back on their hangers.

Layla started to laugh, "Isla sweetie, you have a wand, you know." She took out her wand and flicked it. All my clothes rose into the air and began to hang themselves back in my wardrobe. Why didn't I think of that? "Thank you," I smiled. "Ok, so you need your hair and makeup done, and then we will sort a dress. Daphne hair, Layla, get some music going, and I think I have a bottle of firewhiskey in my trunk. Isla, I am going to do your makeup." Pansy smiled.

I began to relax, feeling very lucky that I had such good friends. These girls were lifesavers. Pretty soon, the tunes were going, and we were dancing around the room. While we were busy singing along, we didn't even hear the knock on my door. 'Knock, knock' followed by a 'knock, knock, knock,' but we still didn't hear. 'BANG, BANG, BANG'. That time, we all heard it because we jumped. Pansy went to the door. "You girls were having a party without us?" Callumn smirked. "How did you know?" Pansy smiled, wrapping her arms around him. "We can hear the music from the common room," Theo laughed. Draco made his way over to me. "Hello gorgeous!" he smiled, kissing the top of my head. "Hey, handsome. This is a nice surprise, I thought you were busy tonight?" He looked at me a little confused before realising what I was talking about. "Oh, yeah, I am meeting the boys later." I rolled my eyes, knowing he was lying... again.

"It's not a real party until the boys arrive," Blaise smiled. "And we brought refreshments and snacks!" Theo beamed as he pulled bottles and bags out of his book bag. "Well, Isla and I will have to leave you in a bit, but we will be back to continue our party afterwards." Shoot! I needed to get ready now, or I was going to be late. Pansy had finished my makeup, and Daphne and I went into the bathroom to do my hair and get dressed. I wasn't sure what Daphne was doing, but I could feel my hair moving. "Oh Isla, do you trust me?"She beamed at me in the mirror and I couldn't help but smile back. "Eh, why? What did you do?" I moved my hand to feel the back of my head, imagining she had shaved a chunk out of my hair. "Nothing...yet! Do you trust me?" I grimaced. "In theory," I half smiled. "Good, I am going to cut your hair." She grinned. "WHAT?!" I shouted as I jumped out of the chair only for her to push me back down. "Trust me!" she pleaded. I sat back down, closed my eyes, and nodded. I did trust her and I had watched Daphne style everyone's hair and she was bloody skilled. My hair was down almost to my waist, and I had this hairstyle since I was maybe ten years old. Maybe it was time for a change. I could hear the snipping and slicing, but I never opened my eyes. Not once. I did trust Daphne, but I was terrified. After about ten minutes, she said, "ok now open your eyes." I did, but slowly. My long, wavy hair had been chopped off to just above my shoulders. Daphne had added more waves, and I have to admit... I LOVED IT!

"Wow, Daph!" I said moving my hair to see it bounce. "I know I am gifted!" I hugged her. "Thank you." She smiled as she turned to the large bundle of clothes I had brought in with me. "So what are you going to wear?" she asked, eyeing the clothes. "New hairstyle calls for something a little different. I have an idea." I turned and opened the door, careful not to reveal my new look to anyone. "Out," I smirked, "it is going to be a surprise." She rolled her eyes but left as I closed the door. I picked up one of the dresses. It was one I had worn to a formal dinner about two years ago. It was the perfect colour for a Christmas party but the style was awful. I hung it on the back of the door and took my wand. All the previous non-verbal spells I had tried worked, so hopefully, this would too. I imagined the style of dress I wanted in my mind. I imagined the sleeves disappearing and the hemline changing. I opened my eyes. It had worked. I slipped on the dress. It was a perfect fit. Dark green silk ran over my skin as I pulled the dress up. The dress reached down to my knees with a slit on one side revealing my thigh. I put on my black sandals and put my earrings on. I took one last look in the mirror before I headed out to everyone.

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