89. You Are A Man Theo!

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I arrived back to a deserted common room, all except for one boy. Theo was sitting by the fire curled up with his arms around his knees. He looked worried. He looked up as I approached and gave a sigh. I sat down next to him as Astra came bounding down the stairs and over to us jumping onto Theo's lap. It didn't take more than a few seconds for Theo to burst out, "Isla, I am glad you are here. I need to talk to you." he looked horrified and terrified. "Sure Theo, what's up?" He looked around the room. "I need to tell you something, and you can't tell anyone else." This was serious. "Ok, I promise." I took his hand and we walked through the common room, right into my dorm and I closed the door behind me. We sat on the small couch and Theo took a deep breath. "Right... here goes. Well, you see, the thing is my dad? He is a Deatheater." I shrugged. "I know." Theo looked up at me and gasped. "You do?" I chuckled. "Most of the fathers of Slytherin kids are Deatheaters. It's not exactly a surprise."

He contemplated this. "That is true, I guess. But most of the kids here have parents who actually care about them. My dad and I have never gotten on. I tried to tell my parents about being gay over the summer. It did not end well. I told my mum all about Cedric and how much I missed him, and she told me that I was better off because now I could marry the girl they arranged for me." How horrible. "You mean Daphne?" He nodded. "Yeah. My dad, on the other hand, said that I was just confused. He blamed my mother for being too affectionate with me growing up. He said that she made me 'a soft touch' and a 'delicate flower'. He told me that I was to join him in the Dark Lord's ranks, and that would make a man out of me."

I scowled at this. "You are a man, Theo! I mean, thankfully, I have never seen your...er...bits, but I know you are! One of the best I ever met." He smiled and placed his hand in mine. "Thank you, Isla. But I am scared. I turn seventeen in a few weeks and then he will expect me to receive my mark. He took me to one of the meetings during Christmas. It was horrible. They tortured a muggle couple about our age. For fun!" I gaped but wasn't actually surprised. "That's awful!" I squeezed his hand.  "Isla these Deatheaters are not just bad – they are mental! Spent too long in Azkaban, some of them. My father included. I am not like them. I am not a Deatheater. Blood status means nothing to me. I loved Cedric, and he was considered a Blood Traitor along with his family, but I didn't care. I loved him."

"I know you did. And he loved you, Theo. It was cruel that he was taken away from you by that noseless, spineless git Voldemort!" he gave a shudder. "You are very brave to say his name." I scoffed, shaking my head. "A name does not make you scary. I am not afraid of words. Besides, if I show I am afraid, then he has all the power." Theo practically jumped and turned himself around to face me. "Isla, can you help me? I WILL NOT become like my father. I won't join him. I will not take the mark, and I certainly will not become a Deatheater!" He was being incredibly brave, even if he didn't think so. "What are you going to do?" I asked. "I don't know. I can't go home after this or he will be waiting for me. I will have to go on the run, I guess."

Absolutely not! "No, you can't! I will not allow you to be alone. You will go into hiding. I will hide you with my parents." Theo shook his head. "No, I don't want to put anyone at risk." I wasn't listening to him. "You have no choice. You are my family, and I will do everything I can to protect you."

He took my hand and began to play with the ring Draco gave me, turning it around and around. "Isla? There is something else. I never told you because I did not want to cause you any pain, but you need to know so you can be safe. Over Christmas, when I went to one of his meetings, I was introduced to Deatheater's. Most I didn't know, but some I did. One I knew really well. Isla, I do not know how he got himself caught up in this. I didn't think he was capable of it. The guy I saw...it was...I don't know how to tell y-"

"It was Draco. It's ok, I know." His mouth fell open. "You know?!" His face paled. "Yeah, he told me. You need to understand Theo, Draco did not want this. He was made to join by Voldemort. If he didn't join and complete some task, then Voldemort was going to kill his mum... and me." Theo gave a dramatic sigh. "Oh thank Merlin! I knew there was a good reason. Poor Malfoy! What does he have to do?" I frowned. "The less you know, the safer you will be, Theo. I promise I will keep you safe." Theo squeezed my hand. "We are in this together?" He asked his voice shaky. "Always together. We are family, after all, and I won't let my brother down."

His North Star.    *Complete*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora