91. Sweetheart I Love You But I Will Hex You!

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It was like walking around in a nightmare. Watching everyone carry on with their lives, not knowing what was lying ahead. Seeing Blaise and Layla as they were wrapped up in their little lovesick bubble with Maisie. I was actually jealous of them. jealous of the fact that they were clueless as to what was about to happen.

It was hard seeing Dumbledore as he ate his breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the Great Hall every day with us, always smiling and chatting happily with the other teachers. He was so calm and content, knowing his days were numbered. And then there was Snape. Snape looked like he was in conflict with himself constantly. I know a lot of the students didn't like him and he wasn't a popular teacher but he was one of my favourites. He never lied to us. He may not have been happy-go-lucky like the rest of them, but at least he wasn't fake. He was a genius who expected nothing from us but the best. He had always been nice enough to me. I trusted him. Just as he trusted Dumbledore. I'm sure he was very conflicted about the task ahead. He knew he had to kill his colleague, his friend. No one could even know of this plan. In a few weeks, not only would everyone dislike him as a teacher, but everyone would actually hate him. They would think he was evil. They would think he was a Deatheater. It wasn't fair.

This is why I stayed behind in DADA class one afternoon. "Miss Howell? Do you not have another class to get to? You do not want to be -" He started as he was busy cleaning up papers and books. "How can you do it?" I asked, interrupting him. "Pardon?" he stopped and looked down at me. "How can you be so...brave? You know what is coming. You know what you have to do and what everyone is going to think of you. I would be a mess, and you seem so calm." he sighed deeply, closing his eyes before he looked at me again. "I assure you I am anything but," he gave a half smile as he sat on the stool in front of my desk. "I am extremely worried and nervous, and I am not ashamed to admit that I am scared. But this has to be done. The Dark Lord will not stop until the Headmaster is dead, and he expects Draco to do it. Not because he thinks that Draco will be able to succeed but because he believes that Draco is expendable. I can not stand by and watch as Draco is forced to do this. Forced to kill. He is too young, and he has a bright future ahead of him."

This man was incredible. "What about you?" He looked over at me and smiled. "I am getting by in this life, but it holds nothing for me. I lost the only thing I really cared about a long time ago. I know what the students think of me. I would be merely living up to their expectations." He sighed. "Professor? We do not all think like that. I happen to think you are a brilliant teacher and a real hero for what you are doing." He offered me a smile. A genuine smile that I had never seen on his face before. "Thank you, Isla. You are so very like your mother. You have her kindness and her spirit, yet you have your dad's talents - especially when it comes to this class. Potions, too. You have what it takes to become an excellent Potioner. I should know I taught you, just as your father taught me. This was the subject I struggled with at school, and your father tutored me. He taught me everything I knew. He helped me more than I could explain."

"That sounds like Daddy, alright." I leaned across the table and took Snape's hand. "I just want you to know, sir, that after everything has happened there will still be students in this school that have faith in you. There are still those who know the truth and thank you for what you are doing. Especially for Draco." He used his free hand to place it on top of mine. "That means more than you know." He rose as if to signify the end of our discussion. "Whoever it was that you lost, sir, I hope they knew how much they meant to you." I stood up. "I don't think they did at the time, but hopefully they do now." I smiled as I headed to the classroom door. "Yes, I am sure they do."


That evening, Draco and I headed off to complete our Prefect duties. I was so pleased at the start of the year to become a prefect, but honestly, it felt more like a chore lately than a privilege. It became our nightly routine. Walk around the castle and make sure students weren't out after curfew. I usually didn't mind, but I always seemed to be the one to find the 'couples'. It seemed that no matter what floor Draco and I were in charge of, that was where the lovebirds decided to gather. I had found fellow classmates in compromising positions more times than I would care to admit. Draco always found this really funny, but it was embarrassing. Especially when I had classes the next day with some of them. Hermione was horrified when I told her this. She was lucky not to have come across anyone. Ron thought it was hilarious, but not so much, so after I found Lavender and him mid-shag in an empty classroom one night. He never took the piss out of me again after that, and in return, I never told Hermione that I found him. Thankfully, that night, Draco was working in the ROR, and he never saw him either.

His North Star.    *Complete*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora