67. Do I Have A Contract?

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It was actually pretty great having the boys stay for the rest of the holidays. We had plenty of time to finish our homework and we were able to walk on the small beach. There wasn't much else to do, to be honest. But having Draco away from danger and with me and my family made me feel much better, although we didn't get to use our new diaries much as there wasn't a great need. At night however we were in separate rooms and were able to write to each other...well things we wouldn't want other people to hear.

Remus visited quite a few times and even once managed to bring Sirius. In my stupidity, however, I forgot to tell Blaise about Sirius and his innocence, so when he arrived at the cottage, poor Blaise nearly had a heart attack! It was fun, however, for Sirius and Blaise to retell the story of what happened two years ago. Both boys were fascinated. I was able to introduce Blaise and Draco to my grandparents, and even Sirius managed a quick hello during his visit. He was charming to my grandmother and even had the painting blushing, which I never knew was possible.

New Year's Eve was a quiet affair. My mum, dad, Jaxon, Layla, and Blaise were playing board games and dancing while Draco and I took a walk on the beach. "Not our usual tradition for New Year, is it?" I asked. "No, but at least I am with you." Draco smiled. We could hear everyone inside begin the countdown.

"10...9...8..." "I love you, Draco." "5...4...3" I love you too, Isla." "1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" "Another year together." Draco smiled. "And many, many more to come." He kissed me as fireworks flew into the sky from the nearby village. I still got the same jolt of lightning through me when Draco kissed or even touched me. It really was magical.

My family came out to join us, kissing and hugging us and shouting a happy new year. Blaise, well, I assume it was Blaise, had given Jaxon a music pipe that he could blow through, and it gave a very loud round of applause - and he blew it solidly for about ten minutes.

Jaxon loved having the boys stay. He had Blaise wrapped around his little finger, and he followed Draco around like a little shadow. I even overheard him asking my mum if she would change his hair colour to blonde.

I was very content with having my family together. If I could have the rest of my friends here and my relatives, it would be perfect. I knew it was hard for my mum to be away from her own parents and brothers, but it was necessary. She had managed, however, to gift each of them a mirror similar to mine so that she could communicate with them, which did make things a little better. We hadn't even told our house elves what was going on. They were free after all, so they had no real loyalty to us, so we had to take precautions. Both Felix and Rose had been sent to my grandparents to look after them for a while. In return, my grandparents' house elf Lottie delivered food and essentials to Remus when we needed them, and he brought them to us.

The last night of the holidays my mum made a huge meal for us to celebrate. She made everyone's favourite food and seemed to have an endless supply of butterbeer. Dinner was amazing, and there was barely any conversation at the table as everyone was too busy helping themselves to seconds and thirds.

Just as we were finishing, there was a faint pop in the background, and Remus and my dad were both on their feet and away to investigate the source of the noise before I had even registered hearing it. They came back a few minutes later with a very depressed-looking Narcissa. She looked awful. Paler than usual, Her dress was ripped, and her face was streaked with tear stains. "Mother!" Draco jumped up and was at her side instantly. "I am fine, my dear, I am fine."

"What happened, Narcissa?" My mum urged. Remus took Jaxon into the house as my dad poured Narcissa a glass of firewhiskey. "Drink this," he said. She downed the drink in one gulp. "There is a plan..." she began. "I am not sure what it is exactly, but I know it involves my sister." "Oh no, Andromeda?" She shook her head. "No not that sister." My mum dropped her glass as my dad cursed under his breath.

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