33. A Little Dramatic

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By the time I got back to the common room, it was about 5 minutes to curfew. I slipped in through the portrait. I was hoping to get up to my room and into bed without anyone seeing me. I was going to tell my friends that Lupin was indeed my uncle, but there was so much I couldn't tell them that I wanted to get my story straight first.

But when were the odds ever in my favour?

Waiting by the window seat were Draco, Blaise, Layla, Theo, and Daphne. I assumed by now everyone had filled Daphne in on what was going on. Theo stood up, offering me his seat as he sat at my feet and leaned his arms on my knees, waiting to hear the gossip. I saw Draco frown at this. One drama at a time...

"So what happened?" Blaise started. "We thought we would see you at lunch or dinner. We got a little worried when you didn't show. Have you been in Dumbledore's office all day?" Layla added. "Pretty much. I arrived, and Lupin had contacted my mum." There were a few gasps. "What? Why?" Theo asked. I went into the story. Telling them only the bits I could – that he and my dad were brothers and that they had a rather big fallout when my dad left school and they haven't spoken since. I couldn't mention Lucius, the werewolf part, or any of that. I made them swear that they wouldn't tell anyone that we were related.

"We won't tell anyone honey", Daphne promised. "Right, guys?" she gave everyone a death glare. A promise was a big deal to Daphne, and breaking a promise was a crime in her eyes. Her glare was received with a round of "Yes," "Of Course," and "Promise." They did ask a few questions, and I answered as much as I could. I told them we spent most of the day getting to know each other and that he seemed to be a brilliant man. This seemed to satisfy everyone's curiosity for now. Blaise and Theo then proceeded to start a game of wizards chess and were watched by Daphne, who would play the winner, and Layla, to my surprise, was reading my copy of Little Women.

This left Draco and I alone. I moved to grab a blanket from the basket at my feet and wrapped it around me. I watched as the Giant Squid played in the distance. I didn't even notice Draco sitting next to me until I felt him grab my hand under the blanket. "How are you really?" he asked me, looking into my eyes. I lost my train of thought at the touch of his hand. The bugger! "It's all a little confusing to tell you the truth." He chuckled. "I'd say so... finding out you have an uncle you never knew about." I pressed my lips into a line. "Yeah. " I felt bad. I wanted to tell him everything. About Lupin, my dad, his dad even. Should I? "You know you can talk to me...about anything, right?" I sighed. "I know Draco. There is no one else I would talk to." "Well, I'm glad." He kissed the top of my head. Not unlike how Blaise would. But Blaise did it in a brotherly way...did Draco? I groaned. I guess I was back to the Draco problem.

"What about you?" I asked. I wasn't sure where to begin. I wasn't sure what I was doing. I wanted to know if he regretted our kiss. Well, kisses. He dropped my hand so quickly last night before anyone could see. Maybe he was just embarrassed? Maybe he just did it so I could walk through the entrance? Maybe he realised he has no feelings for me and doesn't know how to let me down gently because really he thinks I'm not good enough? Ok, that last one was a little dramatic. "Me?" he asked. "After last night, I mean," I explained. "What happened last night?" Layla said, looking up from her book. "Oh..well...we.." I started before Draco cut me off. "We were nearly caught coming in late last night from the library. Bloody Peeves nearly gave us away, and we had to run." I knew Layla didn't believe him, but she didn't question it. I, however, was questioning everything!

I took my hand out of his. It felt weird now that he was holding it after what he said. Clearly, he didn't want people to know. I moved my hand up to brush my hair behind my ear so it wouldn't be too inconspicuous. Draco was staring again. He leaned in close to me. "What's wrong?" He knew I was overthinking something. "Nothing at all," I smiled but folded my arms across my chest. More to hide them than anything. Draco gave a heavy sigh and leaned back against the wall, closing his eyes. He looked a little frustrated. I felt bad. Maybe I was reading too much into it. If anything, I had learnt that I may know Draco, but I knew nothing about boys. Maybe I was being a little over dramatic. Maybe I was reading too much into everything. It was all very confusing, and I was tired. I moved slightly so I could put my head on his shoulder.

His North Star.    *Complete*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora