45. You're Not Really My Type Mate

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It didn't take long to settle into another year at Hogwarts. Even with the other schools wondering round the castle our classes were pretty much the same as they always were - bloody boring. That was until DADA. I have to admit that Professor Moody was very intimidating and I hadn't even had him for a class yet. As we walked to his room I was a little apprehensive. I had heard the other years talk about him and his 'methods' of teaching. And sure enough he lived up to his name of Mad-Eye. He came bounding into our class that first day with a bang shouting that everyone was to get out oftheir seats, that he would be assigning who we sit beside. We were having that class with Gryffindors and as it turns out I was quite happy with my chosen spot, sitting next to Neville. Draco did not look one bit pleased to be sitting next to Seamus Finnegan but Blaise and Layla seemed ok, sitting next to Dean Thomas and Hermione.

I was actually smiling, that was until the Porfessor told us the first topic we would be leaning.  'Unforgivable Curses'. My breath hitched in my throat. I knew of these obviously, everyoe did. But these were illegal curses that if used would result in youbeing sent off with a one way ticket to Azkaban. Seriously? This is what we are learning? The whole class seemed to have the same reaction. No one dared move. Again that was until, Moody banged his fist down after shouting at Seamus, firing a piece of chalk at him, which hit Draco square in the forehead. I couldn't help but chuckle as I saw the professor's mouth twitch in amusment. "So? Whichcurse should we see first." He looked around the room. "Weasley!" he snapped making Ron jump. "Ye...yes?" He looked terrified. "Stand!" Mpoody barked. "Give us a curse."

"My dad did tell me about one," I heard Ron say, shocked he was going to participate. Although to be fair he looked horified, as he sat back down next to Pansy. "The...Imperius curse," he almost whispered. Moody nodded explaining how this curse was used 'back in the day' when Voldemort was at large.  He then proceeded to take an insect out of a jar before placing it on Ron's desk. First he enlarged the insect as if it wasn't scary enough. "Imperio," he said and started to make the thing move from table to table. I did laugh along as he made it land on Draco's face. He screamed at Goyle to get it off him. He looked like he was about to faint. The whole class was laughing so I didn't feel too bad for him, plus he laughed at Ron.

"What should I have her do next? Jump out of the window? Drown herself?" Ok it wasn't funny anymore. Did people actually use this? "Scores of witches and wizards claim that they only did You Know Who's bidding under the influence of the Imperius Curse but here's the kick...how we sort out the truth tellers from the liars?" That was a scary thought. Did my dad or Lucius ever pretend? Did they ever use this on anyone? I felt Neville twitch next to me and I realised Moody was standing at our desk talking to him. "Well...there's the Cruciatus Curse." Surely Moody wasn't going to show us this one?

Yes. That's exactly what he did. I watched in horror as the insect began to scream and squirm. Neville looked distraught. He was breathing heavy and holding his hands to his head. I thought he was having a panic attack. I looked to Hermione as I started to rub Neville's back trying to calm him down. "Stop it...stop it...can't you see it's bothering him...stop it!" Hermione shouted. Moody stopped quickly and asked Hermione for the last curse. She shook her head. Moody raised his wand at the poor insect. "Avada Kedavra" he shouted as the insect gave a screech and was still. Never to move again. "There is only one person known to have survived this curse and he is sitting in this room right now." Poor Harry. Everyone was staring at him. He looked down at his feet before looking up and catching my eye. He looked miserable so I did the only thing I could think of in that moment. I stuck my tongue out and crossed my eyes pulling a face. It seemed to work as he smiled at me.

The bell rang for the end of class and I helped Neville gather his books. He mumbled a thanks before running out of the classroom. I went to go after him when Draco caught my arm. "You ok? That was a pretty intense class." He asked sighing heavily. "That man is mad!" He shrugged at my response. "How else do you think he got his name?" I don't care if his name if Fifi Trixabelle. He is deranged. "Well it's a disgrace. Did you see Neville's face?" Draco scoffed at that and looked to Crabe and Goyle. "Yeah I did the coward." The three of them laughed, as I folded my arms. "Look who's talking. When Professor Moody had that insect on your face I thought you were going to cry." Draco stuck his tongue out at me and I rolled my eyes at him.

His North Star.    *Complete*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora